A Regular Day

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Aiyana's POV

The forest was a blur as I run through it. I ran faster than ever before. I wasn't sure if I was on two legs or four, I don't even know if I'm human anymore, but it doesn't matter because I am free. The dirt flew through the air as my feet clawed into the ground. My blood and lungs were on fire, but it was in the best way possible. Branches and leaves broke and flew as I glide through the pines. Nothing matters except for following this amazing feeling. This sensation of love, happiness, that I was cliff diving and haven't hit the water yet, of tucking my little sister, Catori, in for bed and telling her a story, of eating fresh baked cookies, of hanging in the garage with the guys... of home. It keeps getting stronger and stronger as I tear through the green.

The bush burst as I pound into a field of swaying, purple wildflowers. Snapping branches echos from the pines on my left.

Warmth floods my body, I'm spinning and standing at the same. Like I ran a marathon, but I just woke from a good sleep. Like I'm flying, but I'm still on the ground. Like I'm on the couch watching a movie with my sister with buttered popcorn, but I'm hola hoping with her. Like I'm hanging in Jacob's garage with him, Embry, and Quil, but I'm having a mini food fight with them in the cafeteria. This giant, russet wolf is causing this feeling of happiness, warmth,... of home.

My eyes meet the majestic wolf's warm chocolate eyes, that I know I've seen before. I just can't place where, but I know I've seen-

" RING!"

My ears screams as the beautiful world of nature becomes a blurred mess of the purples, pinks, blues, greens, of the bedroom my sister and I share.


"No, I don't want to get up." Catori says as she buries herself in her flowery comforters.


My arm lights a small burn as I reach over to turn off the killer of dreams and glance at the 12 month calendar pinned to the wall. Threading my fingers in my long black rats nest moving it out of my face. The blankets drop and goosebumps rise as I untangle my legs. I walk across the ice cold wood to Catori's cocoon.

"Well, what kind of big sister would I be if I didn't let my baby sis get a few more minutes of sleep before school on... oh what day is it..." My hands pull back the floral pink softness so I could see her face. "Oh right, your 7th birthday."

             The seven year old shoots out of the blankets like she popped out of a toaster. "It's my birthday!"

             "Happy birthday Tori!" I pull the little live wire into my arms.

             "I'm seven! I'm seven!" Her little arms are a vice crushing my ribs. "I'm seven!"

             "How about you let me go, so I can make you a nice birthday breakfast and you can get dressed? Okay?" I try to negotiate without wincing.

Damn this kids got muscles.

         "Okay!" My bonds release and the soft material of slippers encase my feet and wrap myself in my robe as I slip out of the bedroom into the hallway and see my father's door open. The thin walled house just has to two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, a kitchen with a small round dining table, a few closets around here and there and a one car garage not attached to the house. My sister and I share the master bedroom and our dad takes the other room.

Peeping through my father's open door and see he's passed out, fully dressed, face down on top of the covers with an almost empty, brown, glass bottle in his hand. I close the door so Catori won't see him like this when she comes for breakfast. I swiftly move into the kitchen grabbing the pancake batter, I had prepared last night and put in the fridge, and a large pan from one of the cabinets.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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