The 17th year

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Perseus was finally seventeen years old. He was 6 feet tall, dark black hair, one bright blue eye like the sea and one bright silver eye like the moon. He was ripped and tan, he was perfect. Every girl wanted him, but he never looked at any of them. He was a hard worker, always follows what he is told. Perseus or Percy what his dad calls him decided not to make friends, since when he was little no one wanted to play with a boy who had a rasberry colored crescent moon on the back of his neck. They made fun of him, since no one ever saw anything like it. Percy was more into sitting at the docks and starring at the dea drawing or reading. He always heard the rumors that he was superficial and didn't think the girls were good enough for him. His parents always tried to set arrangements for him with girls for marriage, but he always turned them down. Percy was more into the thoughs and dreams of some remote place he had to be, that he was lost. 

Percy was sitting at the dock like usual, when he heard a couple of drunk saloirs bullying this guy. He looked over and noticed the boy had stawberry blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a little shorter then Percy and was pretty toned. The sailors were calling him names and kept pushing him over. They were calling him a sissy boy and a little pris. Percy got right up and confronted them, he grabbed one by the shirt.  "Leave him alone, or you deal with me." He starred them down. The sailors looked at his blue eye and it was like a storm coming over the sea, they freaked out and ran.

"You didn't have to do that." The guy said brushing off his shirt
"Yes I did, they were being jerks. I'm not gonna stand  by and let it happen" He said with a smile
"Oh you are the one with the birthmark, the one they said are to good for the girls here." 
"Do you actually believe that?" Percy said a little hurt, but instead of waiting for an asnwer he walked back the dock and sat back down.
The boy followed and sat next to him "Of course not, after what you did. I couldn't believe such a stupid thing." He said with a smile
"Thanks, It means a lot." Percy gave a little smile
"OH, by the way. My name is Preston and whats your name?"
"It's Percy. Its nice to meet you."

The boys sat together at the dock till the sun touched the sea. Percy finally had thought, he made a friend. He felt a little bump and found out Preston fell asleep and fell on his shoulder. Percy scooped him up and decided to carry Preston home, until he realized he had no idea where this guy lived. He didn't want to be rude and wake him up, so he brught him to his house. Percy got hom and his mom looked right at him. Percy dad went out for a week voyage to get supplies and told PErcy to stay hom to help mom. His mom gave a worry look "Percy, your father doesn't want him in this house" PErcy gave her a confused look so she added "He is gay, your father banned him here, he own parents kicked him out of their house." Percy looked down and noticed his clothes were a bit dirty and torn. "Mother, I can't leave him outside, I can't. I'm going to let hi stay in my bed and I'll sleep on my couch. I'll keep an eye on him. We can't let him live outside." The mom just smiled at him "You are turning out to be a brave young man you are, but you are dealing with your father." Percy laid Preston on the bed and tucked him in. Preston looked so peaceful. 

The next morning Percy sat on the bed next to Preston waking him up. He looked a bit startled. "Here, I made you some eggs and toast. I head everything that happened. I'm not going to judge you, I'm here to help you." Percy laid the plate next to Preston. "Why would you want to help me? My own parents didn't want me, why do you?" Percy gave him a smile "Because we are friends, and I'll always help you." Preston bit into some of the food and said "Thank you Percy. This really means a lot" Percy got up and then placed some clothes next to him "I found out where your parents put all your clothes and bought them back. I also got your stuff back, there wasn't much. The only thing that was hard to get back was this" Percy help up some antique locket with a turquoise and emerald feathers on it. Prestons eyes began to tear up as he looked at it. "I don't even know how to thank you, that belonged to my Nana. She was the one to told me to be me. TO be proud of me expressing myself. When she passed she gave me this. Since she left, my parents had the time to kick me out without worrying of upsetting Nana." Percy put the necklace on Preston himself. Preston began to cry and hugged Percy tight. "I can't believe you are helping me like this. This means the world to me. I have no idea how to thank you for this or even how to pay you back." Percy put his hand on Preston shoulder. "Don't even worry about it, I want to help you. You are the only person who has not judged me, and wanted to be my friend." Percy told him. “You will always be my friend, I just feel bad that you’ve done so much for me and I have nothing to do for you.” Preston said. Percy gave him a tight hug “Hey it’s okay, now get ready. We are going to sail.” They both got ready and went the docks. Percy father left his sailboat. It was a little run down, but Percy was the master at working the sea. It’s like the sea was made for him. Preston however was terrified of the sea, and had no idea how to swim. “Don’t worry Preston, if you fall. I will save you. Trust me.” Percy reached his hand out to help Preston. Preston took a gulp of air and grabbed his hand, and stepped on the boat. Percy felt like king of the sea sailing the waters, Preston was staring at the clouds enjoying the sea breeze. After hours of sailing, they tied the boat back up and Percy helped Preston back on the dock. Percy went towards the boat to make sure the boat was all tightly tied and to make sure it wouldn’t float away, Preston decided to go near the dock edge to stare at the reddish orange water from the sun touching the sea. Preston didn’t realize the drunk sailor behind him, he pushed Preston in the sea yelling “Down goes the prissy boy”. Percy looked right over and pushed the sailor out of the way. He didn’t see Preston. Percy dove in and tried to find him. After a mini heart attack, Percy found Preston and pulled him up. Preston choked and gasped for air. Percy pulled them back onto the dock, Preston said nothing. He just fell onto Percy and held him tight crying. When Percy put his hand on Preston shoulder, he noticed the blood. Preston hit the dock before going down. He slashed his clavicle up with most of his chest. He then realized Preston passed out from the pain. Percy picked him up and carried him back home, his mother was out on errands and that relieve Percy. He didn’t need to give his mom a heart attack.  Percy stripped Preston and dried him off. He was the cuts and bandaged him up. Percy then put a new pair of underwear on him and tucked him into bed. Percy decided to change into dry clothes before his mom got home and sat next to him in bed. Percy started to draw the sea since he couldn’t sleep at all, and his mind was racing on the traumatic experience. Why would someone want to do that? 

Preston shot up grabbing his shoulder; he looked around and saw Percy sitting next to him. It was still the middle of the night. “Um… Where are my clothes?” Preston said noticing he was only in underwear. “I’m sorry; they were soaked and a little bloody. I didn’t want you to get sick, so I bandaged you up and changed your clothes. I’m sorry if this is weird.” Percy looked down like he made a mistake. “Why do you care about me so much? I never met anyone who would just bring someone they barely know into their life.” He stared at Percy for an answer. “I have no idea who I care so much; I just don’t want you on the streets. It’s just, um…. you are my only friend….” Preston eyes widened “I had no idea…. You look like someone who would have a lot of friends. I’m sorry. Well this friend isn’t going to leave you.” Percy smiled and said “Thanks, it means a lot to me.”

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