The Voyage

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The Voyage was a trip around the world; the Captain was an adventurer and wanted to pursue this dream. The Voyage was a 7 year trip, since it is only 1780 century. This child was a handful, always making the Captain on his toes and running around the ship. This baby took the entire crew to babysit. The Captain stopped in his tracks and thought... this baby doesn't even have a name. The Captain paced all around the ship, staring at the open sea and it finally snapped "Perseus Cordell" Cordell for the Captain last name since he did take this child under his wing.

By the age of four, Perseus got his first scar. The Captain was amazed on how he even got it. Perseus somehow got on the rain of the ship and walks straight across it staring at the sea until he lost his balance and went to fall in the mass sea, but a huge wave hit the ship and pushed Perseus to hit the wooden box gashing his side. The Captain saw this and thought the Sea had pity on a poor child like him. When the child got stitches.. After hours of screaming and squirming.

When the child reached seven, he was known as the kid with the trident scar on his side. This kid loved to run and climb, on the other hand the crew did not. When the crew finally thought the kid was asleep they were at full shock when they heard the kid screaming..... from the birds nest on the top of the ship yelling land. At first they were scared, but happy since they were finally home to see their family. Perseus though didn't want it to end; he spent his life on this ship. What else in the world is out there?

When Perseus got on land, he fell straight on his face. He wasn't used to land, he wasn't use to something not moving beneath him. The Captain picked him straight up and gave him a firm pat on the back. "Come on boy, I'll show you your home." The captain led him down the brick road, down passed a couple old looking taverns and shops to a old fashion log cabin. He opened the door and greated the wife with a kiss. "Hey honey, we are home!" The wife looked at the boy with confusement and then looked right at the captain. The Captain whispeared in her ear "He thinks we are his birth parents, we found him as a baby." The wife looked at the boy and said "I'm glad my two favorite boys are home" with a huge warming smile.

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