Thief of Hearts | Thief!Valt x Policeman!Shu

Start from the beginning

His only reply is the thief's laughter.


"So, how did it go?" Zac asks.

"Terrible," Shu says with a sigh as he sets his gun on the coffee table of the break room.

"No guns on the table," Zac scolds lightly as Shu bluntly ignores him and sits on one of the tables. "You can't be discouraged so easily," he continues, "besides, you are the only one who can get close enough to the thief - you should be proud."

"Yeah, but," Shu runs a hand through his white-silvery hair tiredly, "I just can't help but wonder..."

"Go on. I won't tell," Zac says as he sips from a coffee cup.

"Well, maybe...he's not so...bad, like we all think he is."

Zac hums thoughtfully. "I'll take your word for it since you know him best, but," the blond's cheery attitude diminishes and a serious look crosses his features as he folds his hands, "all jokes aside, he is still a dangerous criminal, Shu. He's wanted for theft - "

"He's never killed anyone, though!" Shu interrupts.

Zac raises an eyebrow. "You're not....falling in love with him, are you?"

Shu blinks blankly at the blond before snorting. " 'Course not - I don't date thieves."

"Uh-huh..." Zac doesn't quite believe Shu, although he wishes he does.


"Despite your current situation, you seem surprisingly calm - why?"

"Ah," the thief absentmindedly twirls a lock of short navy blue hair around his finger causally, seeming to ignore the gun aimed at his temple, "well, it's only you. Why do I have to be afraid?"

"Because I have a gun, and I could easily kill you," Shu says blandly.

Both the thief and policeman know it isn't true, as Shu would never kill anyone, especially the flirty little thief.

"Feisty tonight, aren't we?" He wets his lips and his eyes dart around the empty warehouse, which doesn't go unnoticed by Shu.

"Don't bother to try to escape," Shu says, "trust me, you won't go far."

"So, cute little Detective finally won this time?" the thief taunts, trying to drop the other's guard.

"Shut it, shorty," Shu growls.

"Nicknames now, aww, I'm flattered," the other snickers.

Shu cocks the gun and the Phantom Thief goes silent. That is until a single DING fills through the empty warehouse. Shu slowly shifts his gun into one hand, crimson eyes never leaving hazel orbs, and skillfully snatches his phone from his pocket. Shu glances at it briefly before cursing.

"What's wrong, Mr. Detective?" the thief asks.

"The White Tyrant is terrorizing the city again," Shu mumbles as he reads Zac's text message.

"Then go," the thief says, waving Shu away with his hand.

"You're staying here so I can come back to arrest you," Shu commands.

"Really? Well, if you're coming alone then I guess I'll wait for you, but bailing on our date is bad for our relationship, y'know?"

Shu's face turns red to the tips of his ears. "This isn't a date!"

Shu's phone buzzes again and the albino reluctantly lowers his gun, scowling at the thief before sprinting away.


"You're still here."


Shu sighs as he looks at the Phantom Thief casually lounging on the dusty old couch. A part of Shu wishes that he wouldn't find him sitting there, as almost the whole police department is hiding in the shadows after they heard about the Phantom Thief's appearance.

"Well, you have friends."

The thief raises a curious eyebrow and his eyes widen as the cocking of guns can be heard. He lightly curses.

"And I thought our date was secret," he mumbles only loud enough for Shu to hear. Several figures step forward.

"Drop to your knees, hands behind your head before we shoot," one of the officers demands.

The thief growls angrily, and this is the very first time Shu's actually seen him angry for once.

The thief shakes his head. "No."


He lays across the couch and crosses his legs and arms to make a point - he wasn't going without a fight.

"Then we'll shoot," the other officer growls. Shu knows how much the thief is hated and that the officer, Wakiya Murasaki, isn't joking as the thief has made a fool of the blond plenty of times. Why it is Wakiya, Shu has no clue.

Shu frowns and darts his eyes around the warehouse. For once, he's scared that the flirty thief might die due to the tension in the warehouse. So, he does something that will most likely put him in jail.

The other policemen are busy pointing thier guns to notice Shu pull one of the thief's smoke bombs he stole from him out of his pocket. He flicks it quickly towards the ground, out of sight. It explodes in a puff of smoke, and it blinds Shu momentarily even though he knew what he was doing.

Shu hears the swish of a cape and the thief kisses Shu's cheek, then whispers in his ear, "Y'know, for a policeman, you're not so good."

An angry - and slightly embarrassed - growl escapes Shu's mouth and he swings his gun around just to watch the thief swish his cape and mysteriously disappear, but not before commenting;

"By the way, my name's Valt - see you on our next date, Shu~"

Requests are open if anyone would like me to write about a certain scenario or AU, go ahead and comment! Hope you liked the chapter!

Valt × Shu Oneshots: Beyblade BurstWhere stories live. Discover now