The start of a beautiful nightmare

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Chase p.o.v~

"I don't care anymore! Stop fucking telling me how to run my life you drunk whore!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at my foster mother. She was drunk again and just had a feeling to yell at me for my...situation.

"Whatever chase. No faggot will ever be stupid enough to help you. You'll never have a happy life! Never!" She slurred out from the front porch nearly falling over the rail. "Leave! I can finally fuck your brother with out your ass snooping around!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her. "You what?" I said calmly.

"I can fuck your brothers brains out now without you snooping around dumbass can't you hear!" She yelled at me. I closed my fists into a tight ball and clenched my jaw.

"Andrew. Is. Dead." I chocked back tears and began backing up. "He's dead because of you!" I screamed and ran down the street blocking out her distant screams.

After about 30 minutes of pure running I stopped in the middle of the woods and caught my breath.

I sat down on the soft green grass and looked out at the blue lake.

I threw my jacket onto the ground and yelled up at the sky.

"Why did you leave me?! I need you!"

I shook my head knowing I wasn't going to get an answer.

I have no home now, I have no job, no education, no one excepts that I'm gay and can't get over it. I shook my head again when I heard someone walk up behind me.

"I told you to leave me alo-" I stopped short when I turned around to see I small blonde boy standing behind me.

"H-hi" he said shyly. He was about my age, short, and small. He looked familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

"You shouldn't be out here at this time of night." I said picking up my stuff and walking towards the road not looking back.

The boy didn't say anything else but when I turned around he was sitting in my spot where I had been sitting and running his tiny fingers over the spot of grass.

There was a weird sence of drawing too this boy. Like I've met him before and I was torn away but needed him terribly. I kept walking faster and faster.

I had to get out if the woods.

I had to forget his face.

I need out.


Will this ever end?

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