chapter one

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Beca's POV

I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Clearly, I hadn't been thinking. At all.

But anyway, here I am, pushed up against a wall with my best friend attacking my lips with her own.

Okay, let me explain. I didn't mean for it to escalate into this.

Well, maybe I did.


I'm not gay.

Or at least, that's what everyone believes to be true. Me? I know myself. I'm the furthest from straight. I'm gayer than a middle aged mother with a rainbow minivan waving a pride flag at her straight son's soccer game.

That made no sense, but you get the point.

My best friend, however, is straight. We were just... "experimenting," as she put it.

I don't have feelings for Chloe, if that's what you're wondering. I just don't want her to think I do, and if I come out to her, that's definitely what she'll think. And I can't have that happening, because I don't like her.

For the past few months, this had been our schedule. We would act completely normal in public and at Bellas events, but in private, she was mine, and I hers.

You see, I hadn't meant for it to go this far. When she offered to...experiment, I had thought she meant like once or twice.

Turns out, once or twice turned into once or twice a day.

I'm getting off track; let me back up a bit, go back to the beginning— back to when it started.

Squished up against countless bodies and surrounded by the noxious fumes of God knows what, I tried my hardest to sleep. I twisted and turned, trying to get comfortable.

Chloe, sensing ‪my discomfort and anxiety, began trying to entertain me. After a few attempts with no results, she eventually gave up, choosing to just talk with me instead.

"you know Beca, one of ‪my biggest regrets is that i didn't do enough experimenting in college."

I stared at her; she looked sincere. Like she was genuinely curious. But me? I didn't want to experiment—because i didn't need to. I already knew my sexuality, and I didn't want to be just an experiment for chloe.

But did I let her in on how i really felt about it? No— seriously though, who does that? No one.

Anyways. I resorted to saying "you're so weird" before turning around to try and sleep. There's no way I could've slept facing Chloe without ripping all her clothes off. And if sleeping with ‪my back turned to her while getting my nose licked by "Asian Jesus" is how it's gonna work, then so be it.

back to present time

So, I guess you're caught up now. As you can see, I'm in quite a predicament because I don't like Chloe in that way, and I can't come out to her.

It didn't help that the next day after telling her she was "so weird" we had been engaged in a vicious lip lock at a rest stop on the drive home.

Okay listen, it's not like I gave in, or anything. There wasn't anything to give in to. I had thought it over, and by experimenting with Chloe, I would be helping her. I'm all for helping your friends. So yeah, we're "experimenting," but that's all it is.

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