NL Christmas : S3E6

Start from the beginning

They all gasp quietly and their entire plan flew out the window. They feel defeated until Michael began squinting his eyes wondering of their intentions. "What are you girls planning?" He chuckles.

Faith sighs and she cringes to explain. It took a second to gather words, "We were going to see if Ms. Taylor could come and see you for Christmas."
He stopped and he only looked around to see if he could find a response. He sighed then said,
"Girls. I don't think that Liz is not doing her best right now."

The girls all looked to each other and they knew it would be a bad idea to bring Elizabeth if she felt so weak in her age. But something hid behind in the corner of their minds that couldn't stop their curiosity of meeting that amazing woman.

~~ That Next Day

"Okay. Are you sure this is the place?"

Dee asks as she throws the car in park as they exited infront of an address they found on Facebook. Shan checked the mailbox and she checked the directions again and she says, "It has to be."

Faith sighed getting out of the passenger side and she fixed her glasses,
"This will suck if we're wrong."

They entered the door to the ivory and champagne toned mansion on West Sunset and they rang the booming doorbell.

Even the walkway leading up to the door seemed to be polished marble and they heard footsteps. The girls all fixed their navy blue work blazers and a woman came to the door. She seemed confused as to why they were suddenly there but she smiled,
"How can I help you?"

The girls all forgot their lines and it took a second.
"Well, we're from a ways up the road and we were ugh-"

"We were wondering..."

They all cut the innocent act and Faith finally asked,
"Is Mrs. Taylor home? Is this a good time?"

The woman sighed and she fixed the hair that fallen in her face back behind her ear and she says warning,
"I can't let any kind of press inside. She's very tired."

"We're not from any kind of press." Dee said quickly and Shan helped her,
"We were sent by an old friend."

She looked over her shoulder still not sure then girls revealed the Neverland broaches hanging on their pockets.
Her eyes widened not seeing that sigil in years and she says,
"I'll see if she's awake."

The girls stepped inside and the woman turned closing the door,
"I'm Naomi by the way" she shook their hands gently, "I'm her grand daughter. Can I bring you anything while I'm upstairs?"

The girls assured her this was strictly a professional visit and Naomi goes upstairs.

The girls were left alone there in the lonely foyer and the gasped to how Mrs. Taylor was still showing Michael how it's done in terms of luxury.

The ceilings were embellished like the ones in chapels and the windows stood twelve foot high. They were lost in the grandeur until they heard a voice from the upstairs.
There, Mrs. Taylor came from around the corner and she was wrapped in a silk shawl. She held the railing and she put a pair of glasses that glared in the sun from the windows.

She had curlers in her hair but Naomi chased behind her as she started down the stairs.
"Nana! Wait, let me help you!"
Elizabeth was too stunned to listen and she gripped the railing as she moved closer, staring at those golden Neverland broaches.

She got to the bottom and Naomi stared down amazed that she was able to climb down on her own. The girls moved closer to help her down and Elizabeth took their hands. After balancing herself, she took her fingers and wisped them across the hanging emblem on their pockets and she smiled seeing it for the first time in years.

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