NL Symphony S2E2

158 9 6

Dee stood on the conductors podium and her director stood in the back with eyes sternly placed on her technique. Her softness of beats when the legato lines came and the strongness during moments of forte. She held her arms straight forward holding a forceful fermata to end the piece  and she closes moving her baton above her head. The overture piece cuts off into silence and she lowers her baton, cueing to the band that they could lower their instruments.
"At rest!" Director Rowlands calls to the instrumentalists and he approaches the stand. Dee moves a piece of hair, then nervously puts down her baton asking him,
"What'd I do?"
The director shakes his head snickering and says,
"Wonderful is what you did. Let me have the voice for a second."

He helps her down and he takes podium to raise his voice announcing, "Band!"
They all snap into attention and turn to listen to their director. The salt and pepper of his middle aged head shined in the bright stage lights ans he puts his wide framed glasses down to the stand. He claps his hands and begins,
"As you know, our symposium is approaching at fast pace and each year, for those who aren't aware, we have one of our senior graduate conductors write their own symphonic composition to exhibit. This year I think our choice is clear."

The director turns to Dee with offering eyes and her heart begins to leap from her chest.
She gets home to Neverland and she shuts the door emotionless and numb.  She goes to her room up the stairs and closing the door she screams loud from excitement. Being the only one home, she does it again and smiles into the ceiling but also silently freaks out that she now has a monumental responsibility.
The room starts to chill and Michael appears in his her office swivel chair, sitting indian style cutely,
"Dee, are you nuts? What's going on?"

Dee flops on her bed and talks muffled into the duvets. "Mmmhmmmrmmmrmm"

"Pardon?" Michael asks still in the dark.

She lifts her head up and says,
"I have to compose a piece of symphony music to perform in symposium!"
Her eyes turn then turn abruptly  scared when she says,
"Infront of absolutely everyone."

Michael climbs on the bed, cheering. "Dee that's so good! That's amazing news!"

Her face still remains in a petrified look and she suddenly loses all evidence of excitement.
Michael watches her change her look and he asks, "Dee what's the matter?"

She sits up and she gawks,
"I just realized that I only have a month, to write a piece of music, compose it, rehearse it with the band."
She looks to Michael and asks,
"How the f-"

"Dee no! I'm bout to start a swear jar around here !"

~Shan steps into her jeans and accidentally tears a long streak down the leg when a toe gets hung in the hole outside the knee, "Are you fucking serious?! Shit!" She shouts only making Michael poke his ghostly head through her closed door, "Shania!"
She looks up but blushes still technically being halfway in her underwear and she hops to the bed in defeat, "Watch your language!"

Faith goes to the fridge and cracks open a can of cola and as the can top crushes, the can begins to spew in fizz and lands all over her new halter top.
"Son of a b-"

"Ah! No! Ah!!!" Michael says appearing next to her immediately and makes her jump from shock.
She rolls her eyes and does the little zipper motion to her lips and returns back to the patio.
"You'd be rich that's for sure."
Dee sighs and Michael sits next to her close. Dee lets her shoulders sink and she holds her head in her hands. Michael smiles and chuckles softly.
Dee looks over and she exhales,
"I know, I know. My life is a joke."

He laughs more and he says,
"No darling. Its just that this is always a part of being a musician."

She smiles wide and says,
"I'll need a lot of time to think. I may be in the music room twice as much now."
Michael's phone buzzes from across the room and hr perks up,
"Oh wow. I actually have it with me today."
He goes to the device and says,
"Shan is calling me?"
He fumbles around on the screen and mumbles, "Jesus. Ugh..damn it!"
He answers the phone and says softly, "Shania? Hello?"

The Neverland Inn : One-Shot Collection Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt