NL Nephews S2E4

138 9 11

The phone to mansion began ringing on its jack, over and over. Dee looks out from the fridge but she sees a black streak, a black blur with incredible speed pass her by.
"Michael no!!!!" She shouts and she hurries to the phone.
The girls all stomp in their running trying to answer the call before Michael did. If he answered the phone, people would ask questions. That's not what the girls needed, it's not what the business needed. 
"Don't answer the phone Michael!"

They all see the hallway side board next to the wall and the phone still ringing off the hook. But Michael stood staring at it and the girls looked confused.
Michael looks to them with blank eyes and he only says,
"It's Janet."
He picks up the phone as the girls exhale in relief. The air was easy until they hear Michael go back and forth,
"You're what?!?.....come again!?!?..."
He stared wide eyed at the floor and listened to her words with searching pupils,
"Janet, say that one more time so I know-......"
The girls all look to each other lost in what was going on and Michael continued.
"I think the hell not-....aint no body getting snippy! Janet Damita-...well-"
Michael was obviously upset, his downhome slang was dribbling into his speech.
"I could choke you-......uh-huh....Huh, yeah, I'll be waiting."
Michael slammed down the phone and he fades away with a poof.
The girls all scoff and Faith snorts, "Well that clears things up."
Michael appeared at the top of the stairs and he spits,
"My sister will be here momentarily. She has something to tell you."

The girls all smile surprised and Dee asks, "Well what is it?"
Michael looks with his nose up displeased and he mutters,

"I'll let her tell. She thinks I'm dumb. As soon as she got on the phone I could read it. I know exactly what it is."
The girls go throwing on something decent to wear but still in the dark to what exactly was happening. Janet was always a dandelion so it couldn't have been anything bad. Michael did tend to exaggerate when it came to things regarding his sister. He never liked the fact that Janet was even married. He never liked her having boyfriends. Even though the girls never understood it, it was something they were told constantly.
"Hey Dee, can I borrow your pearl stud earrings?" Shan asks stepping in as Dee straightened her hair still changing.
"Yeah they're in my chester drawers over there. You might have to dig."
Shan goes over, wrapped in her fluffy pink towel and she looks over her shoulder,
"I mean, seeing that we haven't seen Janet in months, do you think she's done well with her husband?"

Dee nods and she mumbles assuredly,
"I mean, I haven't heard other wise so, most likely. He's very foreign and exotic.."

Shan turns and she giggles,
"I hear he's a hunk too!"
She turns her attention back to the skinny jewelry drawer and she jumps out of her skin seeing Michael sat formed on the top of the frame, crossed legged.

"Stop that! He is not a hunk!"

"Jesus!!" Shan shouts in shock and she catches her breath.
"I don't care if he's from Spain with a garage full of Ferrari's and a bank full of cash, he's not getting jiggy with my sister!"
Shan still stood hunched over, recovering from the scare of her life and Dee sneers,
"So that's what this is about?"
Michael cuts her a look and says, "What?"

Shan sighs and says,
"Oh. I get it. You've got protective big brother syndrome."
Michael looks disgusted and he shoots, "I do not!"

Dee laughs and says, "Awww! Michael. You don't want anyone with Janet because you think no one is good enough for her!"
Michael turns beet red and he blushes defending,
"Hey! No! Don't do me like that, I'm not a child!"

Shan and Dee coo some more and Michael sighs in defeat,
"Okay, maybe I am a little protective of Janet."
He steps down invisible steps he forms from the top of the drawers and he lands saying, "Only because I know my brothers won't do it better. Me and Janet were a team."

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