10. A Girl in Love

Start from the beginning

Luna rolled her eyes, dropping Mia's arm she was gripping to hold the girl's face. "I will teach you about love, little missy." Mia attempted to push the girl's hands away, but gave up as Luna's lips tugged into a smile. "Love is so special, you know? It makes you want to... throw up, but in a good way, right? Like Peter, I must really love him because when I see him, my tummy feels weird, like before you throw up."

"I think that's the bottle you–"

Mia cut off her own sentence as Luna placed a finger on her lips, shushing her. "No. Not just now. All the time. I hate it sometimes, because, he's so ugh! You know? I love his little curly hair, and his little red cheeks–oh, and when he wears those sweaters with the button up under, so cute. You know?"

Mia blinked. "No, I don't know."

Luna did dwell on it for too long, not like Mia was, quickly changing the subject as her train of thought switched gears. "My dad is sending me mail, and I want to talk to him, but I can't." Mia didn't get a chance to question why, as Luna sunk into the tub again, a sigh leaving her pink stained lips. "He made me so sad as a kid, like when he left. I can't just forget that... can I? Because I've been trying to, and I didn't think it was possible."

"Luna, why didn't you mention this before?" Mia questioned, leaning forward to get a better look at the suddenly very solemn girl. Luna raised her eyes to meet those of her friend, an unrecognizable emotion swimming in them. "Liz and I could have helped."

"I tried to talk to Peter about it, but I feel like a bad person," She admitted quietly. "I have a dad and don't wanna talk to him, while he... doesn't have one at all. I feel like a big meanie." She sat up again, Mia sitting straighter, expecting the girl to reveal something again. "I miss him, and his cute butt. Let's go find him."

Mia's face morphed into one of disgust as Luna crawled out of the tub, not at all needing to know the girl's opinion of Peter Parker's butt, of all things. She got to her feet as Luna did, Luna immediately hooking arms with her as they began walking. Mia's eyes widened as the hallway was already occupied by multiple teens, all of which seemed too engaged in conversation to notice the slightly tipsy Luna making her way past them.

Mia was quickly abandoned as soon as Luna caught of Peter standing beside Ned, the girl suddenly being steady on her feet as she rushed towards the boy. Taking him by surprise, she threw her arms around his torso, clinging onto him. "Hm, I missed you," She stated quietly, inhaling the familiar scent of her boyfriend. Peter's eyes had widened at the sudden appearance of Luna, eyes darting around until they landed on Mia. The girl simply shrugged, before walking in a different direction, leaving Peter to tend to his intoxicated girlfriend.

Luna lifted her head, eyes trailing over to Ned who stood beside the two. "Nice hat, Ned. You're glowing." Ned grinned at the girl in response, allowing her to bring her attention back to the boy she was stilling holding onto. "Hey, so I was in the bathroom upstairs, and I tried to do the washing me and my clothes vine, and Mia stopped me. How rude, right?"

Peter almost smiled at her words, remembering when he showed her the vine over the summer, but refrained from doing so. "How much did you drink?" He asked her quietly, eyes darting around the kitchen, not wanting anyone to overhear. "Wait, why did you drink?"

Luna shrugged, "Because my heart hurt."

Peter's face fell while Ned let out a wince, knowing the statement had hit him hard. "Okay, maybe I should take you home..." Peter trailed off, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. "I know Andrew is home now, so he can–"

Peter wasn't able to take a step before Ned was gripping his shoulder, eyes wide. "Dude, what about... you know?"

Luna's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but she didn't question the two, lowering her head to rest on Peter's shoulder. Peter tensed up as her hot breathe fanned against his neck, clearing his throat before speaking to Ned. "Ned, I put him before her last time, and look where that got me." He gestured to the drunken girl still clinging onto him, Ned frowning. "I can't do it again, not to her."

Ned nodded, "I get it."

Peter sent him a small smile, nodding as a silent thanks before tightening his hold on Luna. She perked up at this, lips quirking up into a small smile. "I was telling Mia you're the bestest boyfriend, and I was right, even if you're a dummy sometimes."

"I wouldn't say bestest," Peter mumbled, his own lips tilting up into a smile at her statement. That smile didn't last long though, as the two stepped into the foyer, right into the view of DJ Flash.

"Penis Parker, what's up?" Luna and Peter's smiles both seemed to vanish at the same time, Peter's grip on the girl loosening as eyes turned to him. "So where's your pal Spider-Man? Let me guess: In Canada with all your past imaginary girlfriends? That's not Spider-Man, that's just Ned in a red shirt."

Sure, she wasn't entirely in the right frame of mind, but she knew her boyfriend, sober or drunk. Luna was quick to grab onto Peter, leading him away from the crowd of watchful eyes. "Don't be a dummy," She muttered, Peter tearing his eyes away from her, clearly already making his mind up.

"Just... stay here," He instructed, Luna instantly frowning. He was making his way to the door, tugging at the sleeve of his shirt, the red peaking beneath it. He'd almost made it to the door when someone got in his way, more specifically, Liz Barns. "Liz, I need to–"

"Abandon your drunk girlfriend?" She finished sarcastically, raising a single eyebrow at the boy. "I'm not gonna try to stop you, because Mia told me some things, and let's just stay Luna saved you without even realizing. But word of advice, you might wanna figure out which life matters to you more." Peter's eyes widened at this, making him cautiously tugging at his sleeves, just to assure the red was still covered. Liz didn't say anything after, just shooting him a pointed look before walking off.

His eyes followed her, seeing she made her way to Luna, the pouting girl accepting her friend with open arms. He glanced back down at his feet, before a sigh escaped his lips. With one last glance at Luna, he left the house to change, knowing that again, he choose him over her.

Liz's smile faded as she watched the door shut, feeling defeated as he made the wrong decision again. "Be back in a sec," She mumbled to Luna, the drunken girl nodding, jumping into a conversation with Ned. She wandered out of the kitchen, grabbing an abandoned cup on her way out. She paused at the entrance to the living room, watching as Flash DJ'd for the partygoers. If there was anybody to blame for what just happened, it was him. So without another thought, she wandered through the living room, getting closer and closer to where he was set up.

Walking behind him, Flash barely acknowledging her, she examined the contents of her cup. She let out a dramatic gasp as she "tripped," the contents of her cup landing on the boy's backside. He whirled around with a shocked gasp, eyes already glaring at the girl. "My bad," She smiled sarcastically.

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