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Mum took me to work today , she's a psychiatrist in one of the most popular Asylums in Seoul

I'm usually home schooled but my teacher didn't come today because she was down with the flu and mum being the protective single mother that she is took me with her to work

I'm never left alone at home at any cost

my mum and her co-workers all sat in a circle with their note pads and white coats and I was in the next door room with a glass window separating the two rooms

I felt like I was one of the patients sitting there alone , I could hear them talking

"He is just not stable" I heard a females voice "your talking about room 102?" Mum spoke now and I heard a hum of response "the other patients are insane , suffering from multiple personality disorders or amnesia but him ... He seems sane" a male spoke now

I felt a shiver go up my spine not realising the room I was in was cold , I rubbed at my arms as I listened further "what the hell do you mean his sane ? If he's sane he wouldn't be in a god damn asylum!" Mum shouted as a frustrated huff left her mouth

I didn't blame her , this particular patient was giving her restless nights and empty stomach for some while and she was becoming frustrated "what I mean is ... The other patients do things out of anger and that's their insanity but him .... He seems sane ...he enjoys hurting others and he will do it with a smile on his face " the male spoke again and I heard mum sigh

"His crazy I tell you ! Non of the psychiatrists want to deal with him " another female spoke "Fine , I'll meet him" Mum spoke and I heard gasps

"No Mrs park...your one of the most important heads here and if anything happens to you we will all get fired...he's dangerous"

I suddenly got up as mother nature called and being the idiot that I was I couldn't hold it

I walked half ran towards where their all sat and their eyes fell on me , emotionless "Mum could I use the loo?" I whispered for no reason when the room was already so quite and they could hear me

"Sure , I'm going to be abit longer here ok?" She gestured to the others and I nodded

I scurried out of the room and turned a few corners and got to the bathroom

after I was done I washed my hands and wiped the droplets against my jeans As I made my way back but stopped dead as I didn't recognise the place anymore even though it still looked the same it felt different

Where was I? I was somewhere unfamiliar , I mean all the white pillars looked the same as before but it was so silent that I could hear my own heart beat

I heard a sound , it sounded like metal hitting metal with a 'clank' and a creek of what sounded like a chair , I turned my head to a hall on my left which led to a single black door which had "102"

That number seems familiar ? I frowned before looking around me as I walked in the door's direction , the 'clanks' became louder as I neared

A little folder laid neatly on a plastic pouch on the wall next to it , I hesitated but pulled it out and examined the folder as it only had 102 ; passcode : 567826389964 written in bold

A keypad was above the door handle , the numbers glowing green and I was so tempted to press it so

I did

I pressed the first two digits and it made a beep beep sound under my touch and I squealed , things like that got me feeling important , don't ask why

So I obliviously typed in the rest of the passcode and I heard the door click as it opened just a little

I made my way in , it smelt minty inside , the door closed behind me making me jump a little

I turned back and grabbed the handle and tried opening it but it didn't budge and I felt a lump form in my throat

"Don't try and run once you've already entered the bear's cave sweet heart...."

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