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written on Dt: 3rd feb 2k18.


Ansh is sleeping on the couch. 

"My prince, sleep happily.. 

mamma is beside you,

you will get happy dreams..

My prince, sleep happily.." 

He was remembering his mom's lullaby song. She was same as Ragini. Ansh smiles in his sleep. 

Ap:: what shall we do with this boy..? 

Sujatha:: is he really Ragini's son??

Ap:: what are you saying??

Sujatha:: we don't know about that girl completely. How can we trust her?? 

Ap nods her head in agreement. 

Dp:: In such a case we need not do this marriage. We need a girl for our boy. Not a mother..!! 

Ap looks on.. 

There on terrace, Laksh is happily drinking and his friends are present with him. 

Friend 1: Laksh, don't drink that much..!! This is first time for you..!!

Lak:: today is happiest day for me..!! I never wanted this marriage and this little hero came suddenly and saved me..!!

Friend 2: why don't you like?? She is beautiful and also good pair to you.. 

Lak:: it's not about good looking and pair..!! I always wanted to choose a bride on myself in my life..!! However, all my career and life went into my dad's hands. That's why, I at least wanted to have that girl in my life whom I will love..!! Not whom my family loves..!! It's me who has to lead a life with her. So, let me decide..!! But, my dad has fixed with some girl as he decided. Yaar, I can give away anything in my life..!! But, not love..!! Let me love.. let me choose..!!

Laksh's friends will be looking at him mouths opened. 

The scene shifts to Ragini, who opens her apartment doors. Ragini sighs happily. 

"My apartment..!! I mean, I bought it in loan. But, it's proud to have own apartment with my salary na..!!" Ragini chuckles and goes to stove to put coffee for herself. 

"My dad never wanted me to buy this apartment. He used to say, 'you will get married..!! why this apartment..??waste..!!' why..?? I'm doing job, I'm earning..!! I wanted to be independent..! Is it wrong??" 

Ragini shouts and looks at the walls. 

She sighs, 

"Finally, I won the argument. In case, if I'm married.. then my husband will come here.." Ragini sips the coffee happily. 

"I actually don't wanted to get married because,..." Ragini is cooking something. 

"We cook so many best dishes on our level best..!! But, finally what our sasural will say..?? Mirchi powder is less, salt is lot..!! They will keep so many defects for the curry we make with lot of struggle..!!" 

Ragini puts all the dish she cooked on table and she sits on her seat. 

"So now. My table, my food. My enjoyment..!! No judgment no sadness..!!" Ragini puts food in her mouth. 

Later, she falls on her bed tiredly. 

"But... I'm I not too alone..??" she thinks... 

"Haan, this is better than that married life. Be single be happy..!" Ragini closes her in bedsheet. 

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