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Nova and I kinda just played around during the labs.Well mostly me, he was to busy trying to get me to stop playing with the chemicals.I don't like this class so What'cha expect,me to be following directions.
Nova-Hand me the baking soda,Dee.
Dee-What's that,I joked.
Nova-That little orange box right next to you that says BAKING SODA,he yelled.
Dee-You ain't gotta yell baking soda I know what it is.
Nova-It's hard to tell you know anything when you keep playing around.I need this grade.
Dee-You better stop talking to me like I'm your child.My grade has nothing to do with yours.
Nova-But we're working as a group,so it kinda does.
Dee-Don't you realise she knows I'm not doing any work.No matter if I work or not,she's going to fail me regardless.
Nova-Why??Why do you two hate each other,she's a grown women.Dee what could you possibly have against her?
Dee-Yeah,a grown women who almost took my dad's life,I yelled.You don't know what's going on with my life,I thought you was a friend.You shouldn't be questioning me when were not that close.I need to be alone,I said before raising my hand.
Mrs.Snaps(science teacher)-What do you want.
Dee-I need to leave.
Mrs.Snaps(science teacher)-Be my guest.Go ahead.
Nova-Dee,talk to me.Maybe if you tell me I can understand.
Dee-I don't want to conversate with anyone right now.

I left the room.When Nova asked me why I hated that teacher so much,it just brought over a wave of thoughts on what she did.My dad is in the hospital because of her.He could be dying right now all because of her.
From there on out nothing could make me happy.I wanted to cry in the restroom,but class was going on so the doors were locked.I just decided to go to the office.
Mr.Phil(principal)-Yes Miss.Barmer?
Dee-Can I call home?
Mr.Phil(principal)-Let's see your in third block right now.I would ask you if your sick,but I know your in Mrs.Snaps class right now so,you must be upset with her.
Dee-Not just her but yeah.
Mr.Phil(principal)-I'm going to allow you to call home since I know you have a problem with her.

I went to the phone to call my mom first.She answered after the second ring.
Dee-Hey mommy,I said in a baby tone.
Momtranada-You okay,baby?
Dee-Yeah,I just want to come back home.
Momtranada-Is it that teacher,Mrs.Snapple?
Dee-Not exactly,but I don't feel like going to her class anymore.
Momtranada-Well,who is it then?Mommy don't play, you let me know what's up.
Dee-There's a girl in class bothering me.
Momtranada-I'm finna come whoop some a..gco.
Dee-Nooooo,I just want to go home.
Momtranada-Okay,I'll be there.
I know there's not really a girl bothering me.Nova just made me mad so I need to get away from him for a day.I didn't tell my mom it was him that upset me,because I know how she gets.He doesn't know my story,therefore he doesn't understand me like that.I just need Key to pour my problems out too.He knows me well,I thought while I walked back to class to get my things.

Mrs.Snaps(science teacher)-Your back in class.
Dee-I came to get my things.I'm going home*walks to her desk and packs up*
Nova-I didn't mean to upset you Dee.
Dee-It's fine.I just want to go home right now.I don't feel good.
Nova-You can call me if you need help,he handed me his number on a sheet of torn notebook paper.
I walked out the classroom and back to the office.Where I sat and waited on my mother.15mins later she came.But before I could walk out the school doors I took a look at the number Nova gave me.I didn't want to put up with him,I thought he was nice,I thought he cared but he only cares for his school reputation.Let's go honey,my mother says.I balled up the paper and threw it in the trash before I could walk out the door.I got in the car,and throught out the whole ride I looked out the window.When my father came to mind as I saw the sign of the hospital he was in.
Dee-Mom,can we go see dad?
Momtranada-I have to get Key from the airport.But I can drop you off and come back once I pick up Key.
Dee-Okay.How long will you be?
Momtranada-Should be nothing over an hour or two.

My day might have just gotten better.I get to see my dad,and my bestfriends coming over.It's like a win win right now.After 5mins of getting through traffic we pulled up at the hospital.My mom got out with me to make sure I made to the room safely.
Momtranada-You go on in sweetie.I'll be back.Say hi for me,tell him I love him and I'll visit tomorrow.
Dee-Okay,bye mom.

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