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So we're on the way to Blackwood High,and so many things are running through my mind right now.What if this school isn't like my other one?I'm so afraid I'll get lost in the halls.What if no one likes me,then I'll have no friends for a whole school year?This can't go well at all.I'm already hating that school and I didn't even step foot out the car yet.
Jasmine(momma)-Ready to go in guys?
Jasmine(momma)-Nova,what about you,she said in concern?
Nova-Yeah I'm ready.I guess,I mumbed as I got out the car.

*In the school*
Mr.Phil(Principal)-Hello,how may I help you pretty lady?
Lexy-Ew,did he just call mom pretty!?!
JuJu-I believe he did.
Nova-I think I'm going to puke*fake gag*
Jasmine(momma)-Shut your mouths,and have a seat.Hi,Mr....
Phil(principle)-Phil my name is Phil.
Jasmine(momma)-Mr.Phil,okay.Well I'm Jasmine,just Jasmine I'm not married....yet.
Nova-I can't listen to them flirt any longer,I whisper to my siblings.Hey um,sorry to interrupt you,but where is the restroom?
Phil(Principle)- When you exist that door make a right on the first hall.It's right down that hall next to the first few lockers.
Nova-Okay thanks.

As I make my way to the restroom.I tense up at the sight of kids standing by the locker.But I keep my cool and walk into the restroom.Thankfully there was no one in there.I didn't feel like making small talks with anyone.I was happy enough to have passed by the others kids without having to speak.Once I was done with my business I walked back out to hear someone saying Hey,kid with the curly ponytail.
I immediately knew they were talking to me,because I was only kid in hall with a curly ponytail.But I perfer to call it a man bun.
Nova-Were you talking to me?
Roscoe-Yeah,I was talking to you.Are ya new here?I never seen you before.
Nova-Yeah I'm new.
Roscoe-Cool,If you need a crew you can hang with us.I'm Roscoe by the way,he said as he held out his hand to hand shake me.
Nova-I'm Nova,I said as I shook his hand.
Roscoe-Hey guys,we got a new friend.His name is Nova.
Flau'jae-Hey I'm Flau'Jae.
Niakay-I'm Niakay,but you can call me Nia.
Mani-I'm Mani.This is my girl Lotto.
Roscoe-That guy with the headphones on is J.i.Dee you wanna introduce yourself?
Dee-What? she said as she closed her locker door and looked at Nova.Oh,hi I'm Deetranada,but you can call me Dee.
Nova- I'm Nova but it was nice meeting y'all, I better get going.I'll be back tomorrow I don't think I start taking classes tod....
Lexy-There he is,hey Nov here's your schedule.Get to class we start today.
Damn it!!
J.i.-Woah!!Who's the hottie you got with you?
Nova-Chill,that's my sister bro.
J.i.-So,she's not my sister.That means I can smashhh.Wait babygirl let me help you find your class,he yells as he runs behind Lexy.
Dee-That boy is so nasty.
*Bell rings*
Dee-Ugh, why does first block start so early.Imma wait a while y'all can go to class.
Roscoe-Later Dee,come on guys.

Nova-I think Imma go to class.Can you tell me where to go?
Dee-Finnee,let me see your schedule....Dude we take like every class together except our elective class.Come on follow me.

So where you come from.
Nova-School or State.
Dee-You can tell me both if it's okay.
Nova-Well I was born in Reading,Pa.But I moved here last year.The last school I went to was Gavolstone High.
Dee-Did you like it there?
Nova-The teachers were crap.But,I do miss my friends.
Dee-I feel ya.My boy bestfriend just moved back to my hometown.
Nova-I knew you weren't from here,cause your accent is beautiful.Where are you from?
Dee-I'm from Baltimore,Md.I moved here 5years ago.When I was 10 because my dad got a promotion.
Nova-Cool, but Do you have a cold or something?You've been talking like your not feeling well.
Dee-I'm fine,but I'm not comfortable talikng too you about my problems now.
Nova-That's fine.I understand we hardly know each other.Plus I've got things that aren't going to well either.
Dee-How do you seem so happy?
Nova-I don't let it get to me.Everyday I think of things that make me happy to get the bad things off my mind.I try to get out of my head more.If you have a favorite hobby try doing it more often to challenge yourself instead of getting all emotional.
Dee-Great advise.I should use that.But here's our first class.Be prepared to work your fingers off this teacher gives WORK!!
Nova-I'm sure I'm ready,he said as he held open the door for me.Ladies First,he said.
Dee-Thanks,I said as I walk in before him.

This guy is so sweet.

Sorry for such a short chapter I'm trying to update this as much as possible before my weekend is over and I go back to school.But I'm glad y'all enjoying it.I try to steer clear or typing errors.

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