(7) Connor

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The wedding part was co-written by GalaxyGal-103

I watched as JD and Christine paced my room. I looked at a near by clock. "Hey it's getting late." I tell them, and they go out the window.

"What are we going to do?" Jared asks aloud. "We got to do something."

"We could act like friends around Evan." I suggested. He just nods and we lay down in my bed. We soon go to sleep.


"Connor?" I looked behind me to see Jared and Evan. "Connor?"

"Yes?" Jared walked up to me.

I heard some people talking around us. "I mean, I was never into him because he was like super old and kinda mean to
women, but I know you liked him so..." Some girl speaks to Jeremy.

"Connor." I looked down at Jared. "Connor I lo-"

~Dream Ends~

I sit up quickly realizing it was just a dream. I looked down to see Jared's arms wrapped around my waist. Ugh. I looked at my phone to see it was 5:00 am. I looked back at Jared, and moved his bangs out of his eyes.

I laid back down. I tried to get more sleep.


"Yo tall ass wake up!" I shot up, and looked around. "Wow he was right that does work."

I looked over at Jared. "What would work?"  I asked him as I rubbed my wrist.

"This guy from our school said if I called you tall ass you would wake up." He showed me his phone. He was texting someone named Rich.

"Ugh." I laid back down. Well tried to anyway. "Why did you wake me up?"

"We need to get rid of these handcuffs." He tells me. I nod in agreement. We leave my house, and start walking over to Evan's.

"Hey Connor, Jared!" We turn around to see Michael jogging up to us. Behind him is JD. "Hey Guys. Me and Jason were just talking about you."

"What ever he said about me is a lie." Jared told him. I let out a small laugh. "I could save someone's life one day." He says.

"Nothing saves our lives." States JD. "It just postpone our death." Everyone went quiet.

"Uh okay then...." Michael stared at his shoes. "Where you guys headed?" He asked us.

"We're going to Evan's." I tell them. "You want to come with us?" Michael nods eagerly, and JD just shrugs. We heard someone talking loudly n our way over to Evan's.

"Fine Jake if that's how you feel!" The person sounded kind of familiar. Michael 'tried' to look over this tall fence to see if he could see the person, but like I said he tried to.... He kept slipping.

JD walked over and actually easily picked him up. Michael looked over it. "Rich!?"

Soon some guy comes around the fence with blond hair that was red at one point. He was wearing a shirt with an eyeball on it, and a few burn marks on his arm. "Rich?" I looked at Jared who was kind of smiling.

"Hey Jared." He greeted him. He walked over to us. "Wha cha up to?"

"Just going to a friend's house." Rich nodded, and looked down at his phone.

"I got to go, but I'll take to you later." He told him, and walked off. Well that was weird.

"Weird." Jared stated the obvious, and we started walking to Evan's house. When we got there we heard someone talking out back.

"Evan are you sure this is a good idea?" I heard Zoe ask him. "I mean she's a tree."

"Yes I'm sure." He tells her.

"I think it's a great idea." I hear a voice that kind of sounded like Christine. "You love her so you should do it." We go into the yard to see Evan, Christine, Zoe, and... And Alona.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked them. "What's a great idea?"

"Well..." Christine nudges Evan forward.

"Im-im ge-geting married." Evan states. What? "To Alona."

"What!?" Jared and I yell at the same time. Evan jumps a little.

"Look Evan buddy." Jared started. "You sure you want to marry a.." He looks at Alona then back at Evan. "A tree?" He whispers.

I roll my eyes. "Connor, Jared I was wondering if you'd like to be my maid of honor, and best man?"

"Wait does that mean one of us has to wear a dress?" Evan nodded slightly. I pointed to Jared with my free hand. "He'll wear the dress."

"O- ok." Evan looked at Michael and JD. "You guys are also invited." They nodded.

~Few days later~

I looked over at Jared. He was wearing a pink dress with red trimming around the waist, non-existent sleeves, and the bottom. Along with the dress was gloves that was also trimmed with red.

I hate to admit it, but he looks good in a dress. I was wearing a normal black suit. It had a baby blue tie, and a tree pin with it. My hair was up in a ponytail. At the moment we were waiting for everyone to show up.

Soon that Jeremy guy that we met a few days back showed up. Wait why would he be invited? Well Evan did say that his future step brother was going to come.

A few minutes went by, and we all hear familiar singing. I looked over in Jeremy's direction to see Christine in a dark pink dress. "Work work! Angelica!" She bumped Jeremy's butt.

"Work work, Elisa!" Jeremy sang which resulted with a giggling Christine. Michael ran over to them in a nice yellow dress.

"AND PEGGY!!!" Michael screamed out, and they fell on the ground. All three of them singing. "The Schuyler Sisters." They all laughing right after.

"Daddy said to be home by sundown." Jared sang softly. I looked at him weirdly. "What? It's a good song." I noticed JD walk into the back yard. You couldn't exactly notice it's him at first.

He was wearing a long silky black dress, long black gloves, and a ton of freckles. In one hand he was holding a slushy. In the other.... In the other was a chainsaw. "Jason!!! I didn't know you were coming!!" Michael ran over to him.

Jeremy looked a little down. It's been about thirty minutes when I look back over at Micheal. Now he's... Making out with Jeremy. Well seen that coming. JD looks heartbroken... Wait JD looks heartbroken.

Soon the wedding starts. Christine is the Minister or priest. "Now do you Evan Hansen take Alona Oak as your wedded wife?

"I do." Evan replies.

"Alona Oak do you take Evan Hansen as your wedded husband?" She hold up a sign next to Alona that says I do. "I now pronounce you man, and tree. You may kiss the leaf."

Evan kisses one of Alona's leaves. Oh did I forget to mention that Evan is wearing a dress? No. Well he is. Soon everyone is eating cake, and drinking something. "Okay everyone time to throw the bouquet!" Christine cheers.

JD pushes Jared a bit, and Michael pushes me. Without even thinking we both reached for the bouquet, and... We cought it. I looked down at Jared, and he looks up at me. I never thought I do this because of Kleiman, but I blushed.

I noticed JD leave. What's up with him?

A/n what did you guys think?

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