Chapter 1

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Hi everybody! 

So, this is my first attempt at writing a story on here.  I love werewolf stories and have read a whole ton of them (mostly on Wattpad) and I wanted to try writing one.  So here goes! First chapter :)

Chapter 1

            Running through the forest, the wind in our fur and the ground thudding beneath our feet, it feels so good. So right. 

            We’ve been running a long time.  We suddenly realize that the boundaries are behind us.  Unhappy to be in this compromising position, we stop and look around, realizing that only fifty feet away is a cabin.  We sniff in that direction, pulling back when the smell stings our nose.  It smells awful, a combination of raw garlic and hot asphalt.  We turn around, prepared to begin running, when someone speaks to us. 

            The voice is almost as bad as the smell and we cringe away while at the same time turning to face the threat.

            Wait, threat?

            Our body is tensed in an attack position.  We growl at the man behind us.  His scent is even stronger now, and our nose begins burning, cutting off that sense.  We struggle to hold in a whine. The man starts coming towards us, his face twisted in a gruesome smile.  We growl again, this time with more ferocity.  The man says, “It will be a shame to kill you, you have so much fight.” He keeps walking towards us.  “And so beautiful when not in this form.” 

            He’s only about five feet away now.  The gun in his hand is blatantly obvious, but we still tense to spring on him.  Suddenly, something huge leaps out of the darkness.  We know we should probably be scared still, but the sight of the huge thing sets us at ease.  It’s him.  We never have to be scared of  him.  He will always protect us.  We begin to grow worried when the fight doesn’t end quickly.  We move forward, whining.

            A shot sounds out. 


            I jerk up from where my head had been resting on the door of the car.  I look at the scenery blearily, forgetting where I am for a second.  The huge trees and lacking undergrowth confuse me until I remember where we are. 

            On our way to our new home…in Oregon.  I sigh and shut my eyes, trying to forget my real life and focus on the dream I just had.  Already it’s slipping away and I can’t remember anything but darkness and the sense that someone was there that made me feel safe.  Ugh, stupid sub-conscious putting these thoughts of belonging into my head when I knew that I was about to be in a position where I would definitely not be doing that. 

            My depressing thoughts were interrupted by my mother’s cheery voice.  “I’m so glad you’re all awake!”  She turned around to smile at me and my brothers.  My youngest brother, only five years old, smiled back at her excitedly.  “Are we almost there?”  I could see him bouncing up and down with anticipation.  He was the only one of us kids that was actually pleased about moving.  My mother smiled again, her brown eyes alight with excitement.  “Yes, we are.  It’ll only be about five minutes now.  You are all going to love the house.”  At that, we turned off the main road onto what looked like a driveway.  Trees leaned over it, creating a tunnel.  The weak sunlight that had been shining on us on the road was blocked out here, plunging us into an eerie green twilight. 

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