Chapter 6

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My arms fall limp by my side and my fingers go numb. My vision starts going fuzzy and I fall backwards and I'm sitting looking at him with my eyes wider than they've ever been before, and I can't move.

He's not breathing.

" H-help, " I squeak timidly, then I begin to come back to my senses and I realise he needs help and I'm the only one who can help him.

" Help! " I shout louder this time, and a couple people sitting around look over at me. I don't know how long someone can last without oxygen, but I can't be long.

" HELP! " I shriek at the top of my lungs, " HE'S NOT BREATHING! "

This time many heads turn to look at us and one woman jumps up from what looks like a nice family picnic and rushes over to us.

" Okay hon, I'm a doctor, " she says calmly and kneels down next to him checking for a pulse and his breath, and quickly proceeds to CPR.

I'm still in a haze as I watch her, his life is in her hands now. I can't lose Tommy, not after I just met him.

" Call an ambulance! " she says with more haste in her voice and she mumbles, " breathe son, come on."

I scramble to my feet and go over to Tommy's bag and search it shakily for a phone. I find it quickly enough and start dialling 999, it begins to ring and I remember I've never done this before.

" Hello, this is emergency services, what do you need? " a woman's voice says with sincerity and my stomach clenches and I quickly mumble, " a-ambulance please. "

There's a faint click and I will the whole thing to speed up, " Hello this is ambulance services, can you tell me where you are and what's happening?"

" M-my friend fainted and he's not breathing, w-we're at the park in the middle of the town on t-the east side. Please be quick, I-I don't know how much longer he has, " I bite my lip in fear and I become aware that tears are rolling slowly down my face.

" It's okay kid, we'll send out an ambulance. Give me a second, don't hang up, " the man says calmly and I hear distant chatter and I can feel my hand shakily violently against my ear and I look over at the woman with Tommy and she's still pumping his chest.

" Okay, an ambulance is being sent. Can you tell me what your friend looks like? " he says with a very reassuring tone.

" H-he's uh, he's got brown hair, b-brown skin and u-uh brown eyes. H-he's kind of tall, l-like six foot... " I trail off with my voice quavering.

" It's okay, the hospital is very near the park, the ambulance will be there soon. What's his name? " he says and I try desperately to calm down but it's incredibly difficult, the whole world is spinning even faster than when I try to read.

" T-Tommy, that's his n-name, " I stumble over my words and then realise that not far away, I can hear the sound of ambulance sirens. I breathe  in relief and I quickly crawl over to Tommy and the woman to see if she's made progress.

" I can hear the ambulance," I mumble into the phone and the woman is still pumping his chest.

" He took a breath, but stopped again," she pants clearly putting a lot of effort into his life. A small crowd has gathered including what I presume to be her children and husband, a couple
teenagers and about five adults, all with deep worry on their faces.

I look up towards the road as the sound of the sirens begins to deafen everyone around us and it comes to a quick halt. The doors are thrown open and I see around two surgeons of sorts rushing over the grass.

" Everybody, move out the way! " a man with an incredibly low voice shouts urgently and bystanders immediately shuffle away, I try my best to move but my body has frozen in place.

" Thank you, ma'm, we'll take it from here, " one says to the nurse who was doing CPR. They hastily and carefully put Tommy on a stretcher and jog back up to the ambulance.

I hang up the phone and stuff it into my pocket before hurriedly getting to my feet and running over to the ambulance. I'm too slow and the doors shut meters before I arrive and as it begins to drive off, I grab a random bike leaning against a tree. I hear a guy shout at me so I just yell " sorry! " and quickly get on and pedal faster than I've ever pedalled before after the ambulance, and I think I nearly died.

Finally, after complete agony in my legs, we arrive at the hospital. I dump the bike by the entrance and it clatters against the cement ground, not caring about the boy I stole it from and I run over to the ambulance as they pull Tommy out, still on a stretcher. He's out unconscious and I feel a pang in my heart and if he dies, I have no reason to live anymore. I watch as they rush him in and pant heavily with sweat running down my forehead, there's nothing I can do. His life is in the hands of these doctors, the best thing I can do is be here when he gets better.

If he gets better.

Still panting like a maniac I trudge over to a waiting room and curl up in one of the wooden chairs. My heart is still thumping against my chest partially due to the exercise and partially because of my intense worry. I should've known better, anyone I attach myself to gets taken from me, I can never win.

The last time I register is seven O'clock, and then I slip into the world of black unconsciousness.

((I probably won't finish this tbh, I'm using it for my English writing but I have to shorten it all for that and I really can't be bothered rewriting it for wattpad but we'll see))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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