Chapter 2: Darkness

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(TW: Cussing, Implied character death)

  Spec was breathing hard. He didnt know where he was going all he knew was that he had to get away. He turned and crashed through the woods. He could distantly hear his name being called. He knew that voice. He wanted to call to the voice and stop what he was doing. But it was like he was possessed. He didn't stop.

Reggie was heaving. It didn't help he was still in his pyjamas. The sky decided to fuck him over by sprinkling a light layer of snow down too. He knew for a fact it was going to get worse. "SPEC! DID WE DO SOMETHING? SPEC COME HOME PLEASE!" he shouted. He kept screaming specs name like a broken record. He could see spec up ahead. Unless he suddenly became sonic he wouldnt be able to reach him. Spec suddenly turned sharply. "DAMN IT" Reggie yelled when he turned at the same place. He had lost spec. Even worse, he was lost. He couldnt see the grand manor. And like he predicted the snow picked up. He could only see a few feet ahead of him. Every thing else was enveloped in a white mist.

Spec had turned. He could no longer hear the voice. It had stopped calling him. Each breath caused fog to cover his screen. The snow was relentless. He tripped over a root crashing down hitting his screen. A nasty crack was heard before everything went black. 


  All he could see was black. He turned right. He turned left. He didn't know if he was turning at all. What he did know was that he could feel anything but the sering pain in his forehead. He lifted a gloved hand to it. He stopped. This wasnt his hand. It was much to skinny. Not square enough. His other hand was like that too. He raised his other hand. It wasnt his either. He slowly took off ine of his gloves. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw, not black, but fairly tanned skin. He gasped in need of air. He felt his face. It wasnt flat, it had a nose and squishable cheeks. His breathing picked up. Was he..? He couldnt be! Could he? He suddenly felt as if he was going upwards. He could feel a light. He looked towards it and... Immediately wished he hadn't. Nearly painful menories of who he was. Before he was a fool. Before he tried to rob the one he 'loved'. He saw her. The mansion. His old home. His mom. his dad. Everyone. He felt himself get violently jerked upwards. He landed on his ass like he'd been falling. Not being torn upwards. The ground was cracked dirt. After he stood up he looled around. That's all you could see for miles.Spec knew this place all too well. "Long time no see" one.. No three growling voices came from behind him. That alone was enough to make him fall once more. With a trembling body he slowly turned around. He was met with a gigantic black body that linked up to three heads. All of them similar. It looked as if their face had a bone mask, green filled the eyesockets and mouth. The entire tho g looked like a dog. "H-hey c-c-Cerberus" he weakly said. His voice was barely a whisper. Everything was shaking for him. His hands, knees, legs, and eyes. He couldnt focus on one of the heads. His vision shaking between each one. The mutt seemed to enjoy his fear. He was a sick bastard indeed. Hell bent on world domination. "I think you know why youre here Spec" the middle head said to him. His name was filled with venom. Spec shook harder before a nervous laugh clawed its way out of him " even a.. Even a how are.. Are you doing?" He joked lamely. This was met by multiple roars and a stamping of a large paw. "DO NOT JOKE WITH US SPEC! YOUR TIME IS UP! SURRENDER EASILY AND WE'LL CONSIDER NOT KICKING YOU OUT TO HELL ON YOUR ASS" the left one roared. All composure was lost. Specs mouth went dry. He suddenly felt the world below him crumble. The three headed beast knew what was going on and bounded toward him. Spec felt like he was falling. Rapidly. Green goo landed in him from the roaring monster who stuck one of his heads into the whole of which spec just fell into. Spec closed his eyes. He knew he was dead as soon as he left the house. What better was than to embrace it right? He chuckled to himself. Then felt something he hadn't in years. His vision swam before a tear fell. Then another. And another. They kept coming until he was full blown sobbing. He felt like he was laying down now. Like someone was near by.. No.. Three. Yes. Three people. "Spec...up....ake up.." He knew that voice" on... Do it... Spec.. Wake up..." I'm trying' he thought. It was getting closer Come.... You can...spec." So close...".spec.." Nearly there." ..spec please wake up! SPEC!" He was nearly there it was in grasp. A girls voice cut in "hes gone now. Nothing we can do." He felt as if he was getting farther from the comfort of the mans voice. 'No im still here!' He tried shouting. It only came out as a broken sob. As he felt himself fall away from the voices he managed one word.
One word he shouldve said to his fiance
His mom
His dad
His friend
The voices
"Im sorry"  

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