Logan and Bri's First Meet

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I ran outside and tried to make it to work as quick as possible. I walked down the street and got to the office of the Moonlight Theatre.

"Great! Bri glad you're here. Watch for that boy again would you. Write down when he gets here and when he leaves. He's not supposed to be singing outside the theatre." she said.

"Got it, should I tell him?" I asked.

"If you're feeling confident then yes," she said and left.

I waited behind the counter and talked to a few people who wanted to sign up for the theatre groups. Then I saw the guy with black hair and a cute smile. He had a bucket with him. He flipped it over and sat on it. He spun his guitar around from his back and I watched him intently. He was playing a song by The Clash.... I couldn't name it right off the top of my head. He turned around and waved at me when he was done. I waved back then realized I now have to go out there and be the bad guy. I walked over to him and he smiled at me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi, look I love hearing you sing, and you're really good! But my boss told me you can't be singing in front of the theatre." I said.

"Oh, okay, I'll go down to the bake shop. Thanks," he said. I looked at him confused.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"No, there's always locations. I just thought impressing a girl would be better here, because I know she's here everyday," he said.

"Oh, who is she?" I asked and looked around. He just looked at me and laughed a bit. "ME?" I asked.

"Yeah," He laughed.

"Oh, well uh... thanks, I'm impressed," I said. He smiled and gave me a piece of paper with his phone number.

"Talk to you soon," he said.

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