Chapter four:

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Chapter Four:

The next few hours went by pretty quickly. I showered and dressed in the clothes Luke had lent me. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun with a few strangles of blonde hair hanging loose. I felt a bit self conscious with no makeup on but there was nothing I could do about that at the moment.

I went downstairs and made a few sandwiches for us and went to where the boys were in their recording room. I sat and listened to them as they worked on a few song lyrics.

As the boys sang for a bit and worked on the harmonies, I began to think about the situation I was in. I wondered if Matt was going to keep the flat and stay here in Sydney or was he going to go back to London with this 'Tia' girl. He didn't have a job and not much to stay here for around Sydney, although he did have some friends if he was wanting to stay, so that was something we'd have to talk about it, and I really did not want to talk to him again.

I decided to call up another of my bestfriends, Tyler. He was a pretty close friend of Matt and I's and I figured he'd know what to do.

The phone begun to rang and finally Tyler picked up.

"Hey Alison." He said like he already knew.

"Hey Ty, listen would you be able to do me a favour?" I asked in hope.

"Let me guess, you want me to be the middleman for you and Matt. No probs, the ass has passed out on the couch and it looks like he'll be here for a while." He chuckled through the phone.

"Really? That's great. Can you keep him there for a while longer? I'm just going to swing by the apartment and grab my stuff. Our rent is nearly up so I can just find somewhere else to stay..Thanks Ty." I said.

"No problem and listen, I'm sorry about you and Matt. He really fucked up this time didn't he?" He sighed.

"Yeah he did, anyways. Thanks so much." I said before saying bye and hanging up.

I enrolled the boys to help me pack up my stuff from the flat so I could get everything out of there before Matt came back and noticed me. We all pulled into Ashton's car since he was the only one that could drive at the moment. When we got there, we all pitched in and pulled all my belongings into some bags. I was happy I hadn't brought much back to Sydney when I came so it was a lot easier to take everything away.

I was delighted to see Calum and Luke joking around with my bras before I snatched them off them and walked past luke to where the rest of them were before they rummaged through anymore. "There not you size Hemmings." I said laughing walking by him as he winked at me. My hand brushed past his toned chest and he tensed up making him all muscular and manly looking.

When we finished gathering all my stuff, I kind of felt awkward. I didn't know where to go or what to say.

"Wait, guys? Why doesn't Alison come live with us. I mean we could clear out the other room downstairs, maybe put a bed in it y'know. It would be fun to have her living with us." Ashton declaired.

The boys all nodded and I didn't know what to say. I looked up at Luke who was taller than me and so muscular it wasn't right.

"Sounds good to me. So what do you say Al?" Luke asked.

"Please stay." The other three guys cooed together in sync.

I smiled at the ground then looked back up at them all.

"Uhm, I guess, uh yeah. That would be great." I smiled as they all cheered and Luke came over and lifted me bridal style out to the car.

When we got home, so weird saying that now, we all debated on what to do.

I placed my bags in the room I would be staying in, as the boys grabbed some old guitars and stuff that barricaded it and finally it was clear and comfortable to sleep in.

It started pouring rain as we all talked in the kitchen. There was no food in the house and there was a shop across the way so as a token of letting me stay I decided I'd go buy some food and cook up a nice dinner for the boys. It lashed rain as I walked over and back from the shop, but before going inside I decided to take a seat on a nearby bench and enjoy this time alone. To say I loved the icy cold rain was an understatement. It was amazing, don't ask why.

It took me a few minutes until realisation kicked in and figured I was crying. I gently wiped my tears and took in everything that had happened so far. As embarrassed as I was this morning for my little breakdown, I was so thankful to Michael, for everything he did too. He was one of those people you could just feel safe and confident around.

I started to shiver a bit so I decided to go back inside and dropped the bags at the door. The boys were upstairs so I went into the en suite of my room and took the icy wet clothes that had stuck to me off. I changed into a top and a knitted sweater which kept me warm. I grabbed my red fluffy blanket and after cooking the dinner I had made for us, I called the boys. We had a 'lovely family meal' as Calum put it. He was so sweet and funny.

When we finished both Luke and I washed up as the boys went back to the music room. I turned around to grab another towel to dry the dishes off when someone Flicked bubbles and suds at me.

"Luke. Ow I can't see." I laughed as he used his towel to wipe my eyes gently. As soon as I could see again I splashed him with water and this turned into a bit of a water war.

I giggled as he dried his hands and I dried my face before entering the music room where the boys were. I wrapped my warm blanket around me and sat on the ground beside the small radiator they had.

I was still cold from both the rain and the water fight so I shivered causing Michael who was also sitting on the ground to come over and sit beside me, picking my head up and resting it on his shoulder. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep as Luke strummed his guitar. I looked up at him and he smiled before loosing conscious to the little notes and chords that filled inside my head.


A/N: Hi guys quick note..

Firstly, thanks so much for reading if you did :)

And secondly, who do you think Alison will end up with, because it could be any of them? ;)

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