Chapter One

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Johnny Cade sat on his bed, eyes glancing over at his locked door before a sigh escaped his lips. His parents were out drinking but the way he learned from experience over the years, better safe than sorry. Heck, his parents were drunks and also  homophobic. He glanced over at his long sleeves, which were hiding the bruises and scars from the hell that his parents put him through daily, mainly his father. His mother was the reason he had a hard time expressing his feelings.

Johnny ran his hands through his black hair just as his phone buzzed. He picked up his phone and unlocked it, viewing over the text message that he had just received.

Cinnamon Roll: I'm bored

A soft laugh escaped the male's lips before he typed in a response.

Johnny: Hi babe, what's up?

Cinnamon Roll: Meee 

Johnny: Well obviously 

Cinnamon Roll: I miss you :'( 

Johnny: Aww, don't cry. I miss you too. But I'll see you at school tomorrow okay? 

Cinnamon Roll: Okie :) 

Johnny: :)))) 

Johnny put his phone down and hid it under his covers as soon as he heard banging on his door. "Jonathan, open this door!" An angry voice boomed, slurring words. Johnny sighed as weighed his options. Whenever he didn't open the door—as this happened many times before, he'd get a beating twice as bad and he wouldn't be able to go to school to see Ponyboy, his boyfriend. The person he loved the most. Love. His mother always told him that he didn't deserve love.  Nobody would ever love him. 

But he knew that Ponyboy loved him. He told Johnny on a daily basis and in return, Johnny always showered him with affection. Kisses on the cheek, passionate kisses on the lips, he'd give Pony love letters, hold him, yell at anyone who made him upset, comfort him. He'd do anything for Ponyboy. His Ponyboy. 

Sighing, Johnny got off his bed and walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. Only to be greeted by a fist to the neck. His hair was grabbed and pulled on, making the eighteen year old grunt in pain. 

"Why the hell was your door locked, huh!!?" His eyes squinted shut, trying to block out the strong smell of alcohol as he was lifted off the ground and shook violently. "Answer me you ungrateful brat!" Johnny swallowed a lump in his throat, his breathing becoming more staggered. He silently prayed that his dad would just leave. 

Johnny was thrown to the ground, making his eye snap open. His dad kicked his rib cage, hard too. He glared at his son before storming out of the room. Johnny glanced around before he sat up. His rib cage was sore but it wasn't broken. Sure, his head hurt like hell but this beating wasn't as bad as beatings in the past.

-Timeskip because I'm a lazy piece of shit😂- 

Johnny walks onto the school grounds, hands stuffed into his the pockets of his denim jacket. It was fairly early so the school hadn't opened its gates yet. Not many people were on campus either, so he spotted Ponyboy pretty quickly. He walked over and put his arms around Pony's shoulders, pressing a loving kiss to his cheek. His introvert boyfriend looks up at him and giggles shyly, a small blush dusting his cheeks. "H-hi Johnnycakes." 

Johnny smiles down at him, "Hey babe." He presses another kiss to his cheek as he moved his hands to Pony's waist to hold him gently. Ponyboy blushes and leans against his boyfriend's chest. Johnny chuckles and rubs his back softly, making Ponyboy sigh happily since Johnny knows how much Pony likes to have his back rubbed. 

The couple pulls away from each other as the bell for the gates to open rings. Johnny grabs Pony's hand and walks with him when he notices the odd stare that he was being given. "What love?" Ponyboy slowly lets go of Johnny's hand and points at the bruise on his lover's neck, tears forming in his eyes. "Y-you cheat..." Johnny's eyes go wide and he shakes his head. "I wouldn't cheat on you." Pony shakes his head, tears dripping from his eyes. He turns on his heel before running off. 

Cinnamon Roll || JohnnyboyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara