Chapter 8: Visitor at Cherrywood Road

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That night, Henry quickly related his conversation with Lord Shiro to Cecilia. She did not seem surprised.

"Of course he'd suspect us," she sighed, folding her arms, "and I don't think he's the only one, either."

"Well, what should we do?" asked Henry.

"What are you talking about? We don't know anything. We have nothing to hide. If he calls you again, just tell him the truth."

"The thing is," Henry said uneasily, "I'm not entirely sure he believes me. And these few days since... well... he seems different somehow, Cecilia. I'm actually..."

The doorbell rang. Henry and Cecilia turned towards the door, startled. Who would be visiting this late?

"Were you expecting anyone?"


"Who is it?" Henry asked loudly.

"Lily Bailey," said an unfamiliar voice from the other side of the door.

Henry exchanged a brief look with his wife.

"She's Cyrus Bailey's daughter," said Cecilia.

"Should we open it?"

Cecilia said nothing, which Henry took to mean "whatever". He pulled the door open. Cecilia remained a few steps behind him.

"Um... hi," said the girl at the doorstep. "Mr. White?"

"Yes. Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry to bother you this late," she said hurriedly. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Henry waited, but she did not say any more.

"Talk about what?"

"You're... Kuro Trivol's uncle, right?"

Henry exchanged another look with Cecilia, who was the next one to speak.

"Leave us alone," she said. "We already said we don't know anything."

"No, wait," Lily said, "That's not why I'm..."

"I said, get out!"

"Wait! Kuro and I were..."

Cecilia stepped forward and slammed the door in Lily's face.

"Cecilia!" Henry cried, shocked.

"Shh! Don't say anything!"

They both waited in silence until they heard Lily give up and leave, her footsteps gradually disappearing in the distance. Cecilia went to the nearest window and took a quick look from behind the curtains.

"What did you do that for?" Henry asked quietly.

"Henry, she's Cyrus Bailey's daughter! He works for Shiro! For all we know, he could have sent the girl to spy on us!"

Henry thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't imagine Lord Shiro using a teenage girl as a spy. Not because he considered Shiro to be better than that, but simply because he would certainly choose someone more qualified for the job.

Or would he? Was it possible that Shiro had asked the girl to spy on them, precisely because they would not suspect her?

Yes, it was possible, but not likely.

"Honestly, Cecilia, I think she just wanted to talk."

"We can't take that chance, Henry. And please stop being so naïve. You trust people too easily."

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