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Elsa's POV

Do you wanna know what she whispered?

"You know he's immortal right? And you're mortal?"

With what she just said, I frowned. But that frowning didn't last that long 'cuz I right away, flashed a smile.

"Dear 'couz, so what if he's immortal and I'm not? I mean there's no big deal. No matter what he is, I love him. And it wouldn't changed the fact."

Rapunzel tapped my left shoulder by her right hand, "But does he love you even though you're not immortal like him?"

I, once again, frowned and raised my shoulders, "I don't exactly know."

Rapunzel took a big sigh, "Nevermind." She tapped my head and left.

I, too, sighed and went to my table with my sister, Olaf, Jelsa, Kristoff and my Icefrost...

All the visitors gave me their gifts after.

"Happy Birthday. This is from me and my brother." Sophie said with her cute 'lil voice and gave me their gift.

I knelt so that I could level Sophie's eyes.

I pinched her cheek softly, "Why do you have to be so darn cute? Haha! Anyways, thank you!"

I opened it and I raised it, "What is this thing?"

Jamie went to me, "Oh that? That's a cellphone!"

"What does it do?"

"You can text and call someone by that. It's like a way of communicating with other people who are far away from you."

"Awesome, thank you for this." I said with a smile.

Jamie just nodded and smiled back.

"Here's my gift, cousin." Rapunzel gave it to me in her cheerful bright smile. Her gorgeous long hair bounces at her back, shining bright.

"Thanks!" I accepted it and embraced my dear cousin. After that hugging momentoO, I opened it. And there I saw a dozen of strawberry swirled cupcakes.

"I baked them with myself, hihi!" she said with her eyes twinkling like an evening star and her hands clasped together.

I smiled and Anna plus Kristoff stepped up to give their gift. Before I accepted it, "Well lemme guess, chocolates?" They didn't reply and I just grabbed to opened it.

I looked at Anna, as if I was sending a crazy idea to her. She smiled saying with agreement. I counted to three in my head, "What's that smell? Hmmm! Chocolate~" we said in chorus like we're replaying the scene before. As I remembered, it was the first conversation we had after I accidentally hit Anna in her head.

The next one who stepped up next was Jack, the guy I loved, I'm loving and the guy I'll love with all my life. Too cheezy but hey, you can't change the truth.

The next thing was unexpected, for sure! He kneeled after me and said those 4 words that contains 14 letters....which is.....Will you marry me?....he opened a box and let out a ring. I raised my right hand, teary eyed and said that one simple word but contains millions of meanings....Yes...











Well of course I was just kidding! You can stab the author with a SPOON :3 now because Jack didn't really proposed YET. ON SECOND THOUGHT! PUT YOUR SPOONS ON THE SIDE PLEASE CUZ THE AUTHOR IS TOO YOUNG TO BE STABBED, haha!

*ehem* Okay, back to reality people! *ehem!* The next thing was unexpected, for sure! He kneeled after me and said those 4 words that contains 14 letters....which is.....Will you—*sorry*

Okay, this is what really happened... Jack stepped up and opened a box and wore the bracelet into my hand. I hugged him, "Thank you Icefrost!!! I love yaaaa! It really fits me with the necklace. Oh! Speaking of the necklace! Does this bracelet have secrets too?" I broke the hug.

"Haha! Nope, it hasn't." Jack held both of my hands, "It's maybe simple as you think it is but! This bracelet is something special. Well, because I had put my wholeheartedly love for you there! I love you, Snowflake! I really really do." he used his thumbs to wipe away my tears and gave me a hug, expressing his love for me.

*** (A/N: Sorry, I had to skip. I kinda have a writer's block in that part)

IN MY ROOM, sitting on my couch

"I'm being really really jealous to your—what's that called? Cell? Pony? Oh whatever! You spend your time with that thing and you're not even noticing your boyfriend!" my Icefrost pouted! I gave him a peck kiss on the lips and put away my phone at the side.

"Don't be jealous! Besides, it's Jack whom I love not that phone." I smiled. Jack's pouted lips curved up and formed a sweetest smile.

"Jack who?" he asked.

"Jack Frost!!!" I shouted proudly.

"You what Jack?" his smile went bigger.

"I love Jack Frost!"

"What??? Sorry what did you say?" his smile went bigger and bigger..

"I love JACK FROST FOREVER~~~!!!!!"

"I'm sorry what? I didn't hear you back there!" his smile turned into a teasing chuckle.


"I clean everyday!!"

And the small fight went on and on! We usually get fights like these, if you must know. The fight turned into complimenting each other and ended up with tickling each other! I just love this guy so so much. See? This guy is the best gift I ever received in my birthday! You can't buy love right?

"Okay! Jacky! Stop tickling me! Hahaha!"

And the tickling turned into a fight and ended up in complimenting anyway. And the same cycle it is! *sigh*

I, Elsa, is now signing off....


A/N: Did it turn out well? I'm sorry I really don't know how to end a story. And school is starting like a day from now! Like OMG, I'm still not ready to leave wattpad yet! *screams like no tomorrow and runs around the house like being chased by a shih-tzu :3* Okay, enough of the drama! PLEASE READ THE NEXT AUTHOR's NOTE!


Love will thaw a frozen heart <3 •Jelsa• °EDITING°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora