Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Mallory gulped. It was clear that she felt pressured.

"So isn't it a possibility that you created this entire scenario as revenge?"

"Objection!" My lawyer shot up.

"Continue." The judge spoke.

"Mallory, what were the terms of your relationship ending?"

"I realized that Elliot had an unhealthy obsession with Anna, so I broke up with him."

"Objection!" Elliot's lawyer spoke up again.

The judge looked towards my lawyer, seeming intrigued. "Sustained."

My lawyer smiled and continued. "You broke up with him?" She clarified.


"And so, how would it make sense for Mallory to be the one with revenge? You went on to have a healthy relationship with another boy after that, correct?"

"Yes." Mallory confirmed again.

"That is all." My lawyer stepped down.

Mallory was dismissed and she took her seat.

"Next witness is Parker Kenneth."

I watched as Parker sat at the stand, not once looking at me. He was sworn in and my lawyer started off asking the same question that she asked Mallory. Parker appeared to be laid back and not worried one bit as he nonchalantly explained what happened.

"I was just sitting at home and I received a phone call from Anna. She told me she was stuck in the snow. I asked where she was, and when she told me, I hung up so I could get there as fast as possible."

"And what was happening when you arrived?"

Parker's mood did a 180 and his face was red. He was visibly angry just thinking back to what he saw. "Anna was on the ground... beneath Elliot. He was beating her. So I pulled him off of her and I hit him to protect her. Then I called 911 and sat with her until they arrived."

My lawyer and Parker exchanged glances, as if he knew what she was going to ask next. "And what was it that Elliot said to you before you hit him?"


Parker never told me anything about Elliot speaking to him.

"He told me he would never stop ma'am."

"Thank you Parker."

Elliot's lawyer stepped up to the stand.

"How are we supposed to know he really said that? Do you have a witness?"

"No." Parker pursed his lips and I watched Elliot smirk.

"That is all."

The judge called for a two minute recess and we all left the court room.

I walked over to Parker and he just simply looked at me.

"You never told me that." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You were already a wreck. I didn't want you to worry more than you had to." He shrugged.

"Thank you." I hugged Parker and quickly ran over to my lawyer.

It was a short exchange of words but it meant the world to me.


"I solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I lifted my hand from the bible and folded my hands in my lap.

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