Always in the wild west

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First day of school of course  teacher I did not want always happens to me teacher is miss bloncher  and she says come in every time she see us then she comes out and says come in we all go in I get the desk in the middle which ussaully always happens so I'm use to it finally one of my friend are here Blake then he sits right next to me and I say score so loud that the teacher moved use but then my Christ comes sits right next to me score I say in a lower voice the she says class class and we say yes yes to annoy her she says let's start and we do I talk to my crush and he says cute to him self about me I say cute he says ya and I say I have a crush on you he says do you and i say date yes I would love to ok let's do it yes let's do it and her comes Blake says Kari which is me of course I say yes you need me why for edvice  I say for what he says for girls and I say don't go ring at cool don't fall then cry don't be mean help if hurt sad and don't make her made got it clear yes ok then there you go so I'm ready ready for what will you go out with me no way Blake why just because I say why just for I don't want to rune our relashionship  ok fine but I will just be friends with you yes you will next day hey babe says my boyfriend and Blake of course is listening my boyfriend says want to go to the bathroom and kiss Spence we are you know of course I say yes I would love to let's go then Blake says I'm goining to tell everybody but not yet and I'm the Wild West know and I'm going to find out what there hiding  we are in the bathroom we only kissed for 5seconds then go back and Blake says what were you and Caleb doing we were talking in the bathroom really ok ok we were actually kissing why because he bumped into me on aciddent it's fine we didn't me like it was anything and we are fine so I mean we aren't anything even me and you Blake I don't know  how to tell Blake me and Caleb are dating Iwonder if they are secretly hiding something from me says blake

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