"And the women. Damn, the women." He murmurs. "Never had trouble getting laid before, but now? Ever since I said I fucked you, they've been all over me. It's strange. You might not know it but I think they had a lot of respect for you." I don't miss the had in his sentence. "You told everyone you fucked me?" I whisper. I didn't know if I was angry or hurt.

"Yeah. Girls practically try to rip my pants off in the middle of the halls now." He sounds smug, satisfied and I frown. "Why..Why would you tell them that, Reed?" I clench my jaw and my eyes are closed, squeezed shut because I can feel I'm about to cry, either from the hurt or the anger. I couldn't tell which. "Why wouldn't I? Who cares what they think? You and I know it's not true. I was just using it to get laid." He sounds careless as he's speaking and I'm continuously flexing my jaw so I don't burst into tears.

It was anger I was feeling. Definitely anger. "I care what they think. I'm not like you, Reed! It's not that easy for me to not care. Do you..Do you even know what you've put me through by saying that? All the guys seem to think I'm just up for grabs now." I scoff, remembering the amount of hands that have tried to push up my skirt in the hallways or during class. "I don't care, Leila. It's not that big of a deal." He mutters.

"You're a fucking dick." I whisper, leaning my head down to face the ground. "I've been helping you and this whole time, you've been using the rumors about me being a slut so that you can get laid? You've been helping spread them! What the hell is wrong with you?" I sigh and shake my head, clenching my jaw.

"If I was sorry, I'd apologize, but I'm not. It's just a damn rumor. It's not like I'd actually fuck you anyways." He scoffs.

"Thanks. You sure know how to make a girl feel better." I cross my arms. "I can't believe you just...said the rumors were true. God, you're such a fucking dick!" I hiss, shoving at his chest. Reed suddenly grabs my wrists and holds them behind my back in one hand, glaring down at me with the porchlight shining onto his face, "Look, Leila, I don't fucking care. I just wanted some action and now I've got it." He snaps.

I shake my head, "You could've done that without having to say we screwed! Do you know how many people treat me like a fucking toy now? Guys only see me as something to fuck and girls probably hate me because they think I'm a slut!" I exclaimed. "Shut up, my god. It'll blow over eventually." He grunts, shoving me back. I stumble into the table and frown up at him, "Fuck you, Reed! You can do this shit on your own. Get the fuck out of my house." I hiss.

"It's not like I'd fuck you in the first place and I'm sure once these stupid fucks realize that, you'll go right back to being on your pedestal!" He growls, shoving me into the glass table more. "What?" I scoff. "You've been viewed as this pure little angel for years and fuck did it feel so good to sweep that out from under you! You're a conniving bitch who walks around as if you're better than everyone and yet you let people walk all over you. I wasn't about to let this chance go to waste, one to knock you off the pedestal they put you on." He spat, his hands curling into fists.

"You're not abandoning me on this or may God help you, I'll fucking make this worse for you." His voice is threatening and I grip the edge of the table tightly. "I'm not on any pedestal. I never fucking have been and I'm not conniving nor do I think I'm better than anyone!" I defend, to which he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, okay. You think I didn't see the way you walked around with this look on your face that screamed how better you were than everyone? You're fucking stupid, you're a bitch and I fucking hate your guts but you will help me on this." He reaches out and grips my hair.

"Do you fucking got that?" He glares at me and I whimper quietly when he yanks my hair hard, obviously angry. "No! Reed, stop this. I..I don't know why you saw me like that but I'm not like that, I swear. I haven't done anything!" I cried, placing one hand on his shoulders to keep us further apart when he steps closer. "You're such an idiot. I hadn't even thought, honestly, about the way it'd affect you whenever I said we had sex. I did it for me, to get some pussy. It's not as much fun fucking when it's the same person over and over."

Reed places one hand up on my collarbone, fingers brushing over my skin as he slides his hand up and around my neck. "Oh." I said awkwardly, shuffling a little against the table.

"You try to say you're not a prude but you're blushing again when I'm just talking about sex." He scoffs, and I clear my throat. "I'm not a prude, though." I insist. Reed stares at me for a second, "You're the only girl I've ever choked before while not fucking." He announces. My mouth pops open in surprise and I shake my head, "Please stop. I really don't need to know that." I squeak, looking out into the darkness of my backyard and away from him.

"You're definitely a prude. You can't even look at me." He sounds amused but once again, there's no expression on his face. "Well, what do you expect me to say to that?" I snap, sick of him calling me a prude. "Can we just go?" I ask, gripping onto the edges of the table. Reed shakes his head, "Nope, let's go tomorrow. I'd like to stay and talk about this." He says. I shake my head this time, "And I'd like to never talk about this again." I retort, pushing his hand off of my neck. He absentmindedly rests it at the bottom of my back and I feel a little uncomfortable but don't say anything.

He probably didn't even notice he did that. "Seriously, how have you gone without fucking? You're missing out on the greatest feeling of your life." He sounded genuinely curious, not patronizing or judgmental like usual. I shrugged as I pushed both his hands off me, "I'm not good with that stuff. I don't know how to be sexy or seductive and even if I did, it just...I dunno. I guess I just don't know any of the guys here enough to share myself with them. It just doesn't really matter all too much to me. When it happens, then it happens." I watch the dogs as I'm speaking, Jack running away from Cookie while she barks at him.

"You could definitely be sexy if you tried." Reed says and I look over at him, "Well, it's a good thing I don't, I guess." I shrug. He reaches out and begins unbuttoning my blouse, making me gasp as I grip his wrist, "What are you doing?!" I gape at him and he slaps my hand away, "Calm down, prude. Let's see what we're working with." He says. I can feel my face is on fire as I push his hands away, "We aren't working with anything. What the hell did you think you were doing?" I scoff.

"Seeing if you could be sexy." He shrugs, as if it's obvious. I roll my eyes, "Well, don't. I don't plan to try to be sexy, okay?" I start buttoning my shirt up again, wishing the heat in my face would go away. "Fine. If the day comes where you decide you're done being a prude, you know who to call." He snorts. I flip him the finger and head into the yard, trying to find Cookie so we can go inside.

Jack is sat in the corner of the fence, his dark body completely invisible in the shadows of the fence while Cookie lays there in front of him, her tail wagging. I pick her up, bringing her to my chest and leaving with Jack trailing behind me. I notice Reed isn't outside any longer as we head up to my now empty porch, and I go to open the door but it's locked. I frown when I notice Reed standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and knock on the door, "Reed!" I huff. He looks up and smiles innocently.

"Please unlock the door. It's cold." I plead, watching him as he walks to the glass door. "There's a fee to get inside." He says, a mischievous look in his eyes. I narrow my eyes at him, "What is it?" I ask hesitantly. Reed nods down to my chest, "Unbutton for me." He has a smirk daring to show at the edge of his lips.

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