extended description/chap1

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Extended description:
Legs thin as twigs, bundled in nothing more than soft, worn skinny jeans.
A chest so frail, the bump of each rib was visible underneath the woven cotton.
A face so sunken in, the intense outline of her skull was detectable under the pale skin.
What hurt Mathews the most was the gap, the space between her damn thighs was wide enough, an array of stars could reside there!
The space was so wide they created a fucking wind tunnel effect everytime a breeze picked up, but Billie felt beautiful. She was just a troubled artist who needed inspiration and she found it all in a boy named Trent. She thought nothing more of it.

***********chapter 1************
Billie was sitting at the navy-blue painted desk for the past hour, just staring down her paper.

Her mind was racing with so many brilliant ideas but she couldn't seem to get them down on the paper in front of her.

You see, Billie absolutely loves her art, she finds it absolutely amazing that she can translate all of her thoughts and feelings into art! Just a paper, pencil, paints and a few paintbrushes, that's all she needs to make something brilliant and lovely!

But Billie hates it when her mind is racing with so many brilliant ideas that she just can't seem to get on a piece of paper.

The silence that was lingering around the dimly-lit room was uncomfortable and Billie sighed- because Billie hates when an uncomfortable silence lingers around the dimly lit room.

Inspiration is what Billie needed and outside was the best place to get such a thing.

Her stick-thin legs shook as she pushed herself out of the old worn out chair that was, in-fact mostly covered in paint stains.

Her head began to spin for a short second but once she regained balance she felt all good.

You know you can.... Exercise while you are outside, that'll help a little

Ana snapped and Billie rolled her eyes at Ana's comment.

But she still listened and began to run once she was outside.

Slower..... Then a little bit faster, just pick up some speed.

Billie nodded and slowed down, not wanting to run out of breath and have to deal with Ana scolding her for going to fast to soon and not being able to finish running.

Billie ended up getting sidetracked with a 'in head' conversation about what other exercises to do- and that caused Billie to embarrass herself by running into someone

What the hell?! God damn clumsy bitch! You'll fucking regret that, watch where you are going!

Billie winced- the words that Ana was throwing at her most definitely hurt- but her knee may have hurt a little bit more from the fall.

"I'm sorry. So sorry, I'm so clumsy." Billie stuttered and started to get up, brushing off her thighs.
"Its okay, don't worry about it." He shook his head, looking up at the girl.

Don't apologize to him! Who do you think you are! What're you doing?

"He didn't do anything." Billie  accidentally commented  aloud.

"Pardon?" Said the man, a questioning look on his face.

Billie struggled to find the right words to explain why she was talking to herself aloud, so she just converted to shrugging and looking down.

"I'm Trent"the man piped up, he sensed how awkward she felt about the situation so he decided to leave it be and not drag on about it.

"Billie.. I am- that's my name,"

Trent chuckled, nodding
He couldn't help but notice how absolutely skinny she was. She was scary thin- her clothes were layered
And loose and they barely hid the bones that jutted out.
It was just so clear, looking at her cheekbones and hands you could easily tell this girl was starving herself.
Trent wondered how far she was from needing hospitalization and how far she was from organ failure or something.

Trent didn't say anything about it, of course- he wouldn't want anybody mentioning it if he were in that position.

"Trent!" The frail girl shouted excitedly, 

Trent nodded for her to continue, feeling awkward all of a sudden. Just...her weight already made it hard to talk to her, the slight high pitch of her voice was just as annoying- he felt rude thinking it but sometimes you just can't control what you think.

"I want to draw you.. Tomorrow! I just realized, you're features are very.... Nice and unique so I think you'd be nice to draw- if that makes sense?" She stuttered.

Trent's insides warmed, it honestly made him feel happy that someone would even want to look at him long enough to realize his features were 'nice and unique'!

"Yeah, uh, you can! I'll see you here, tomorrow- same time?"

The girl nodded and smiled, feeling a sudden boost of confidence. But that boost of confidence wouldn't last very long because soon enough she would he all alone with Ana- having to listen to her scold her and insult her for ruining today's plans.

A/n lol there's probably a lot of grammar mistakes because I finished it at like 12:50 at night-_- so I'm ultra tired and I'll edit this when I have time. I hope you enjoyed this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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