“You have?” Winnie asked.

“News travels fast whenever Hypnos is involved.” Lady Ryes said. She stared at Alessandra as she abandoned her attention on the food to kneel in front of a bucket filled with water. She dipped her hands inside of it to clean them and when she was done she wiped them dry on her apron.

“Did someone say my name?”

Alessandra yelped in surprise and jumped when she saw a man mysteriously pop up out of nowhere and he was standing right next to her. She lost her balance and was about to land on her butt when Hypnos caught her in time. His warm arms wrapped around her waist and effortlessly placed her back on her feet.

“Hypnos!” Lady Ryes and Winnie scolded at the same time. They turned a hard gaze at the Sleep God in annoyance. He’d had a bad habit of popping in and out of rooms unannounced at the worst times.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Hypnos knew she’s waken up. He’d lifted some of his power from the magic he’d used earlier to help her sleep. He couldn’t wait anymore; he had to meet her. “You are an extraordinary beauty.” He said, curling his hand around Alessandra’s.

Lifting her hand to his lips, he placed a single kiss on her skin causing the little hairs on the back of her neck to rise. She’d never felt a man’s lips before and she certainly never thought she’d feel a pair on her skin. “Hello,” she said. Even she couldn’t recognize her own flustered voice.

Hypnos smiled, proud by her reaction to him. It was the same with all women he’d befriended in the human realm. He’d fornicated with them after they’d fall captive to his irrevocable beauty. Alessandra was taken with him immediately. He had platinum blonde and curly hair that framed a perfectly square face. His sea blue eyes dazzled, making the darkness of the palace suddenly appear lighter. He wore black leathers and a white shirt that had open lapels around the collar.

He had to be one of the most beautiful men she’d ever seen.

“How are you feeling?” Hypnos asked next. He hadn’t let go of her hand; he continued to rub tiny circles around her palm that’d distracted Alessandra too much for her to answer the question.

“Enough,” Winnie snapped. She’d stalked forward and forcibly removed Hypnos’s hand from hers. “God of Sleep? More like God of Lust.”

Hypnos rolled his eyes. “Can’t I be concerned for her wellbeing like everyone else?”

Winnie only glared at him.

“Lady Alessandra, I made you broth.” Lady Ryes said, drawing Alessandra’s attention. She scooped a hefty amount in the bowl before passing it to her. “I didn’t want to prepare anything too heavy for your stomach.”

“Thank you,” She accepted the bowl gratefully because she was terribly hungry. She hadn’t noticed until the scent of the broth sloshing in the bowl had finally hit her nose. Her stomach growled achingly for sustenance.

Winnie escorted her out of the oven room and into a more suitable room to sit and eat in. It was formal like a dining hall, but it was a tiny sitting room. Of course, Hypnos and Lady Ryes followed.

“Would you like some ale, Lady Alessandra?” Hypnos asked.

“Ale?” Alessandra questioned. She looked to Winnie for help, but she was already glaring at Hypnos.

“We have water or wine.” Lady Ryes offered.

“Water, please.”

“Allow me,” Hypnos held out his hand.

At first, Alessandra was perplexed by the stance, but she was thankful she didn’t question him because suddenly a cup had appeared in the blink of an eye. Witchcraft!Alessandra didn’t believe it before, but she’d seen it with her own eyes. She shot from her seat and backed away, leaving her bowl of broth on the table. “What are you?” She exclaimed.

“Hypnos, perhaps you should refrain from using your powers so much. She is new to this after all.” Lady Ryes advised. She watched calmly as Alessandra continued to back away until she reached a corner.

“My Lady . . .” Winnie said cautiously approaching her. “It is all right.”

Alessandra shook her head. “How can it be? Did you see what he did?”


“How can he do that?”

“He is a God,” Winnie backtracked her statement, “well, one of them.”

“What does that mean?” There was only one true God; that was what Alessandra had been taught all of her life. Any other forms was unheard of.

Hypnos sighed. “I did not mean to frighten you.”

He took a step toward her, but Alessandra shrieked in horror. “Do not come near me, Devil!”

She’d cooperated enough. Though this place seemed like a dream, she couldn’t ignore the curiosity surrounding this place. How did she get here? What was this place? The Underworld? Was she in hell? Had her soul been rejected to enter heaven so this had been the alternative?

“Hypnos, maybe you should go.” It was Lady Ryes who said it. She felt bad for the girl particularly because she didn’t know how to console her. She’d only just found out about the girl from Hypnos not too long ago.

Hypnos didn’t speak. He took one last wavering glance at Alessandra before he blinked out of existence, eliciting another started gasp from Alessandra. “What is this place? I want to go home. I want to see my mother and Greer!”

Winnie took a careful step forward, but thought against it. There was only one person who could handle the situation now. She stood at the same time she felt the familiar spark whenever his presence was near. She didn’t have to be told to step aside as a tall figure moved past her to approach Alessandra rocking in the corner of the room with her eyes closed and her hands over her ears.

Lady Ryes made herself scarce and exited the room silently, leaving all three of them to their business. Winnie turned to leave too, but not before she looked at the sight again of her master tending to the frightened woman he’d staked a claim on for many years. She smiled in relief.

Hades arrived just in time.

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