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"Tyler, have you finished editing your video?" Justin yelled out from the kitchen table and he let out a frustrated sigh when Tyler didn't answer him. He stopped his editing and walked to their room to see what Tyler was doing.

"Tyler, did you hear me?" Justin called out once he was at the door of the bedroom. He sighed when he found a passed out Tyler. He walked over to him and checked what Tyler had previously been working on, on his laptop.

He unlocked the laptop and surely enough, Tyler had fallen asleep while editing the video that Justin had been wondering about. He made sure everything was saved before closing the laptop and setting it on the bedside table.

Justin checked the time and groaned when he realized that it was only five in the afternoon. "Oh well, hopefully he doesn't wake up in the middle of night." Justin said to no one in particular as he moved Tyler to lay comfortably on his side of the bed.

He kissed Tyler's forehead before walking back to the kitchen table to finish editing his video. He only had a few more days before he had to upload it on Saturday.

He got back to working and while being focused on his video, there was a knock on the front door.

Justin reluctantly got up and rolled his eyes when he saw through the peep hole that it as Sky. He pinched the bridge of his noise as he felt the headache coming on. He knew that with Sky here, Tyler wouldn't be calm or quiet.

He sighed and opened the door. "Hey Sky." Justin said and Sky smiled at him.

"I'm guessing Tyler's asleep?" She said. Justin chuckled and nodded. "Well, I didn't come to talk to him, I came to talk to you." Justin was shocked to hear this. He was curious why Sky came to talk to him instead of her best friend.

"Coming in then." He said and opened the door further for her to come in the apartment. He closed the door after her and then walked into the kitchen to save what he was doing. He closed his laptop and then walked back to the living room.

"So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?" Justin asked and sat down next to her. She sighed and looked down at her hands. "Sky, are you okay?" He said when Sky didn't make any sign of talking.

"I'm fine, but I'm worried about Ty." She started and Justin furrowed his eyebrows. He was confused to why Sky would be worried about Tyler.

"Why? What's he told you?" Justin couldn't lie that he wasn't worried about his boyfriend. He subconsciously looked towards their room.

"Well, it wasn't such a big deal at first, but when he went over to my place to film the video, he seemed off. And I watched as he faked his emotions while we were filming, but once the camera was off, he got up and walked into the bathroom.

I waited for him to calm down because it was obvious that something was bothering him, but when I asked him about it, he shrugged it off as nothing and tried to go back to faking his emotions. At that point, he knew that I was aware of what he was doing so he packed his camera and everything and left." Sky said and all this made Justin feel a certain way.

"I do remember him getting home and looking upset, but we had an argument before he left so I wasn't in the best mood when he got home." Justin said and rubbed his temples. Something was telling him that whatever had upset Tyler had been partially his fault.

"But you didn't talk to him? Because the plan was to film here. I was getting ready to come over when he showed up and said that he changed his mind and wanted to film there. What did you guys argue about?" Sky asked and Justin wasn't sure if he wanted to say what the reason was.

"Justin, if there's anything I hate the most, is seeing Tyler like this. I always hate it that he shuts off and doesn't say anything." Sky said and her eyebrows furrowed. Justin sighed and looked up at her.

"It was a stupid thing to argue about, and neither of us has mentioned it."

"Okay, but what was it?"

"Well, you know that I like to take my time with editing my videos and I was already frustrated with not being able to do something right so when he came to me and wrapped his arms around me, I don't know, I just got so annoyed so I pushed him away." Justin said and he felt an uneasiness within him.

"I see, so he wanted to calm you down or help you not stress out too much, but instead of actually listening to him, you pushed him away." Sky said and Justin groaned.

"Yes, I'm aware of what I did, Sky. But I'm still stressing and I don't want to upset him even more than he is now. For fuck sakes, for just one time, can I ever just have time to myself? Worry about only myself? Is it such a crime to want some space?" Justin said and stood up.

He was getting uneasy and didn't want to accidentally say something hurtful. "I'm not saying that it's a crime, but you could have let him know that instead of pushing him away. Anyways, I came to tell you that I'm worried about my best friend. You see him every single second of the day so I thought I'd let you know." Sky said and stood up as well.

Justin sat back down and buried his face in his hands. He was getting overwhelmed and he hated this feeling. "Look Sky, I—"

"Don't apologize to me, talk to Tyler. Don't touch your laptop until tomorrow afternoon. Give yourself a break and enjoy some time with him. Call it an early night and go give him cuddles. Because that bitch doesn't sleep well unless someone cuddles him." She said and walked towards the door.

Justin stood up and walked towards the door as well. "I swear, Justin, if you touch that laptop once I leave, I'm confiscating it when I come back." And with that, Sky walked out and closed the door behind her.

Justin locked it and just like she said, he turned off all the lights from the kitchen and living room and headed to the bedroom. And once he walked in, he felt a pang of guilt as he watched how Tyler struggled to fully relax in his sleep. 

Justin removed his shirt and turned off the lights from their room and climbed into bed with Tyler. He moved into a comfortable position and upon feeling Justin's warmth, Tyler whimpered softly as he sleepily reached for Justin.

Justin was quick to wrap his arms around him and pull him close. Tyler sighed contently and relaxed in Justin's embrace.

Justin laid with Tyler on his chest and let his mind wander to everything that happened between them. He sighed and kissed the top of Tyler's head.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I should have known better than to treat you that way."


Its currently 1:30 am as this goes up... love me cause I never do this with updates 😩

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