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"Tyler, do you think we should just tell them the truth? I just don't want to get anymore questions related to our relationship." Tyler looked up from his phone and sighed. He knew things with Justin would be rocky specially since his last relationship, but he wanted to try with him.

"Then what are we Justin? Even if you tell them that Jyler isn't a thing, what would explain the fact that we kiss and do things couples do?" Tyler said and Justin let out a frustrated sigh. He knew Tyler was going to ask this.

"Then we stop doing these kind of things." Justin said and face away from Tyler as he paced around the room, missing the hurt expression on Tyler's face. Tyler didn't want to stop the close relationship that they had or whatever it was that they had.

And as Justin paced around the room, he missed how Tyler curled up in his bed and tried hiding his emotions. "I mean... if that's what you want..." Tyler said and it didn't go past Justin on how quiet Tyler suddenly was.

"Look, Ty, I know you don't want to stop and quite frankly, I don't either. But I need a break from it all and always having the damn spotlight on us." Justin said and Tyler avoided eye contact with him.

"I get it." Was all Tyler said before he got up from the bed and heading towards the door, but before he could get to it, Justin grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards him.

"Tyler, don't be mad." He said and Tyler rolled his eyes. Tyler didn't want to do this, but if Justin really wanted to stay out of the spotlight, he couldn't be in the same room as Tyler and vise versa.

"I'm not mad, you said that you don't want to be in the spotlight for a while, then we have to stop being roommates and not be together everywhere we go." Tyler said and Justin grimaced at the idea. He knew that Tyler was right, but he wanted to hold Tyler every night.

"I don't think I can do that. I need you by my side every night." Justin said and Tyler sighed. This wasn't going to be an easy thing to do. Justin wanted to stay out of the spotlight for a while, but didn't want to leave Tyler.

At this point, he was stuck between either decision and didn't know which would be the best at the moment. "Then what do you suggest we do? Make up your damn mind Justin!" Tyler exclaimed and pulled away from Justin.

Justin pinched the bridge of his nose and tried calming down. "You know what? If you're just going to be a brat, then maybe it is best that we aren't roommates for a while." Justin said and tried his best to hide his anger. But Tyler could see right through him.

"Fine." Tyler snapped and grabbed his phone before walking out of the room. Slamming the door behind him. Justin sighed and sat on the bed. If he knows Tyler, he's going to be ignoring Justin for the rest of the day.

And it wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. Justin opened the door to reveal Jackson standing there. "So what happened there with Tyler? I was walking down the hall when I saw him storm out of the room. And if I saw correctly, crying as well." Jackson said and Justin's stomach dropped.

Justin walked back to the bed and sat on it with Jackson following after him. "So? are you going to explain what happened?" Jackson tried again and Justin sighed. What was done was a done. He couldn't go back.

"I told Tyler that I'm tired of being on the spotlight." Justin said and the more that he thought about it, he knew he messed up.

"I can see where this is heading." Jackson said and Justin let out a frustrated sigh. "Anyways, what else happened?"

"He said that if that's what I wanted then yeah, sure. But he suggest that we shouldn't room together or be around each so much and I don't want that. I want to have him by my side at night." Justin said and once again, he was pacing back and forth.

"Oh my god, Justin. You're confusing him! You do realize that by saying that you don't want to be seen together, makes him feel like you don't want him! And on top of that, you're confusing him by not making up your mind!" Jackson said and Justin swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat.

The guilt of making Tyler feel that way, was killing him. Justin didn't want to make Tyler feel like he wasn't wanted. He simply didn't want to be questioned every time that they're together.

"There isn't much I can help you with, but you have to clear things up with him. Because I'm pretty sure that the tears I saw weren't because of sadness, but of anger. Anger towards himself." Jackson said and stood up from the bed.

Justin watched him walk out and he felt trapped. He didn't know what to do, or say when he sees Tyler. He just hopes that he can still fix it.

After thinking about what he could possibly say to Tyler, he got out of the room and went to look for him. He went to Jackson's room and knocked.

"It's open!" He heard Jackson say and Justin walked in. And in the room, both Mikey and Bryce were there.

"Hey, what direction did you see Tyler go?" Justin asked Jackson and before he could answer, Bryce beat him to it.

"He's in Larri's room. Mikey's and Jj's room is next his. We saw him when we walked out. But he did look pissed." Justin thanked them and headed to Larri's room to find him.

And once he was standing outside the room, he was surprised that it was quiet. Usually when those two are together, it's far from quiet.

He knocked on the door and a couple of minutes later, Larri opened the door. And once Larri saw Justin, he smiled softly and opened the door wider.

"He's sleeping." Larri said and when Justin walked in, he saw Tyler peacefully sleeping on Larri's bed.

"I made him take a nap because that bitch was so upset that he was even crying. And I've never seen him this bad." Justin got closer to Tyler's sleeping form and ran his hand softly through Tyler's hair.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone." Larri said before getting his phone and walking out of the room. Justin took his shoes off and climbed into the bed with him. He pulled Tyler closer to him and placed a small kiss to his cheek.

"I'm so sorry." Justin mumbled against Tyler's neck. Not noticing that Tyler was slowly waking up. Justin hugged Tyler closer to him and placed a few more kissed to his cheek before Tyler stirred.

Tyler hummed and Justin smiled softly upon hearing Tyler slowly waking up. "Tyler." Justin whispered and Tyler turned around to face Justin. He didn't say anything and played with his fingers.

Justin quickly noticed Tyler's tear stained cheeks and his lack of eye contact. "Tyler, please look at me." Justin pleaded and Tyler reluctantly did as he said.

Justin caressed his cheek and his heart hurt with seeing how affected Tyler was. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I knew that being public with this was going to put us in the spotlight. It never once dawned me to think about your feelings and I hate myself for not doing so. I want to try things with you, Tyler." Tyler smiled and reached for Justin's hand.

"I guess we're both at fault here. I never made my feelings clear enough about this situation and I just got mad for nothing." They both chuckled and Tyler scooted a little closer to Justin.

They hugged one another and only their breathing was heard. They welcomed each other's warmth and as they laid there, everything was perfect.

"Can I lay on you?" Tyler spoke after a while of silence and Justin moved so that he could. Tyler sighed contently and cuddled into Justin's chest.

"I can't believe that I even thought of not wanting to room together. I love the feeling of being able to hold you." Justin said and kissed Tyler's forehead.

"And I love being held by you." Justin hugged him tighter and sighed. He knew he wanted this to be every night.

And possibly for the years to come.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now