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"Somebody has to go," Edwin said, looking all across the group.

Finally, Rick stepped up, "I'll go."

The other man smiled and guided Rick over to the station, and doing everything he needed to do in a matter of minutes.

Opal's heart started to beat faster as her anxiety rose. Her mouth ran dry from the lack of water recently and her fear.

"I'm gonna go next," Daryl whispered quietly to the girl next to him, walking up to the empty chair next to where Jacqui was currently getting her blood taken by a stranger.

Opal continued to stand where she was, her eyes wide, she hated the idea of something she needed being taken by somebody. Almost everything of her's was taken by Jeremy, making her weak and fragile.

After Daryl had finished, he still stood strong and shuffled back to where Opal stood, her arms crossed on her chest.

"Anybody else?" Jenner asked as everybody was finished, everybody but Opal.

Everyone turned to Opal, their impatience showing, they just wanted to figure out if there was a cure and how to save everything.

"Opal, you still have to go," Rick said.

Opal took a shaky breath, she would do anything to get out of getting her blood taken. "Do I have to?" she asked, worried as much as she would be if she was about to be executed.

Jenner nodded, "unless you want to be stuck out there with the walkers."

Opal frowned and didn't dare to show the tears that were approaching her eyes. She heard a scoff come from her left.

"Come on, you're wasting everyone's time," Andrea said, her arms crossing in annoyance.

"It's not that easy," Daryl said, glaring at the blonde haired woman.

Andrea scoffed, still glaring at Opal.

"Fine," Opal said, her voice shaking.

Andrea sighed, glad that she was getting her way.

Opal's hands shook at a scary rate and her anxiety was taller than the building that they were in.

She approached the station and quickly put her arm out, her sleeve rolled up.

Jenner quickly took a cleaning wipe and killed the germs that were sitting on her forearm. He set up his needle and sighed, "you're going to have to stop shaking if you want to get this over with, or else I might hit a vein."

Opal let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding and tried her hardest to stop shaking, to no luck, her arm still shook as if there was an earthquake happening in her body.

Daryl had a hard time watching what was happening, why was Jenner putting her through so much pain just so he could have a vile of her blood?

He stomped over to the man and terrified girl and gripped Opal's wrist and inner elbow. He held her hard enough to weaken the shaking and Jenner frowned as he stuck the needle in her arm and watched as a tear escaped her right eye.

After it was quickly finished Edwin put a small sized band-aid over the wound and stood up, "see, it wasn't that bad."

Opal scoffed, "screw off."

The doctor ignored Opal and looked to Rick, "are you guys hungry?"

Everyone in the group quickly nodded, hungry was an understatement, they were all starving. Nobody in the group was hunting and they already had low supply on canned food.

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