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" You can't just sneak up on people you know" I said holding Sophia on my hip. " I didn't mean to scare you it's just you guys are about to leave and I was wondering if it's okay to get your number so me and my brothers can keep in contact with you when we are not hanging out?" Justin said with a smile. I chucked then gave him my number " You're a dork I hope you know that" I said I walked to the living room to see my parents waiting on Sophia and I. As soon as Sophia laid eyes on Quincy she starred spanking out causing everyone to chuckle " I think it's safe to say Sophia likes Quincy" I giggled and she reached out to him " You're leaving me for a boy I'm hurt " I joked with her even though she didn't understand " Dad said no dating until we are 60" I said tickling her tummy causing her to laugh. " No dating until your 60?" Your dad is strict Quincy chuckled " Hey it was until he was dead I'll take 60 " I said grabbing Sophia from Quincy so that we could leave after we all said bye.

I walked home with my parents going straight to Sophia's room seeing her in her crib so that I can change her clothes and get her ready to go back to bed which she wasn't going any time soon. I sang to her as I got her dressed I loved my little sister I honestly want another sibling but my parents aren't on bored with that plan. "Ready to watch TV with sissy?" I asked knowing she wouldn't respond. I went to my room laying her on the bed so I was able to change, I took off my make up and changed into my pj's then laid next to my sister on the bed. I pulled the blanket over us and turned the TV to Spongebob me and her love this show. Whenever it was on she got hyper and it was so cute soon we were both fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed I guess my parents came and got her. I went to the restroom and got ready for the day I started by washing my face then I brushed my teeth soon I stepped into the shower and washed myself from head to toe. After I got out and went to my closet picking an outfit after that I did my hair. With this outfit I felt like I should work out or something I ate a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios when I was done I washed my bowl then went out front because we had a basketball goal out there.

I picked up my ball as started dribbling it I started doing some layups after a while I started going in I've always like basketball my dad and I would play when he's off my sometime gets in there but she's more of a baseball player.

"Well good day neighbor " I heard Quincy's voice making me stop and turn around I probably looked sweaty and gross and him his brothers and some girls who look like they're stuck up "Hey guys" I said out of breath "Girl you over here putting in a work out" Christian said rubbing his waves "Gotta stay in shape you know can't be those girls that go to the gym just to take pictures " I said I personally don't like those girls why go to the gym and pretend you're working out then complain when there is no progress being shown. " Well if you look good in anything anywhere you gotta take pictures but I wouldn't expect you to know that" the girl standing next to Justin said hi fiving the girl wrapped around Quincy. I lofted my eyebrow looking at Justin like get your girl bro she don't know me hell you barely know me.

"You know you're really pretty for some who looks like a bitch" I smiled sweetly and grabbed my stuff and started walking inside " Hey wait up" I was already irritated I didn't have time for this "Hey I'm sorry for her she's well yeah" Quincy said looking back at the girls then over to me. He had this way of looking me in the eyes and smile that makes me blush and smile like an idiot. "It's fine wish I could say I'm sorry for what I said but I'm not" and with that I walked inside.

Where was everyone I texted my mom seeing where she was turns out she took Sophia Chance D'lilla and Jessie to a water park for the day. So that means dad was either at work or with Sean. I went upstairs and took a quick shower and taking my braids down washing my sweaty hair I need to need to go explore around.

After getting out of the shower I walked to the closet pulling out a cute outfit.

I straightened my hair and did my makeup after I was done I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone leaving the house and started walking as I passed by Seans house

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I straightened my hair and did my makeup after I was done I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone leaving the house and started walking as I passed by Seans house. Quincy hid brother and there lady friends were out front sitting on a blanket in the grass talking about lord knows what. " Oh she is a girl" I heard from behind me but I kept walking I'm not trying to fight no one instead I texted Justin.

Me- Bro get your girl man I ain't did shit to her why is she coming for me is she threatened or something.

Justin😎- Her and Sarah are just mad because Quincy showed more interstate in you the Sarah earlier

I rolled my eyes at the text I was almost past their house when I hear foot steps coming towards me. I turned around seeing what I was and it was Quincy. " Damn girl slow down " he joked coming up to me "Where you going lone wolf" he said causing me to giggle " I honestly don't know I'm just seeing where my legs take me" I said looking up at him he was beautiful his braids his nicely trimmed beard and mustache his nice brown eyes. " Cool well let's go then" he said catching me off guard " Wait what I'm sorry" I said trying to process what he said "I'll show you around" he said smiling rubbing the back of his neck.

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