"You know how my parents get, I just didn't want to deal with them," she told him and he nodded, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't actually see him.

"Yeah I understand, don't worry, if your mom calls I'll tell her that we have been attached at the hip."

"This is why I love you Carter." He could hear her smile through the phone.

"Have a good night, Roxy."

"You too, call me after your date."

"I will, Bye."

"Bye." Roxy hung up.

Carter placed the phone onto the seat beside him and looked around, and he could tell that he were definitely heading into the bad part of town. Most of the streetlamps were broken, so he had to rely heavily on his cars headlights. Abandoned and scratched up cars lined the streets and the buildings which surrounded the streets were quite old looking, but they had history and that was why Carter loved this area.

He kept going deeper into the streets until he reached a better looking section. These roads had working streetlamps and the buildings were more recently built than those in the streets before it. In the middle of one of the crowded streets sat a little, old style diner. There was no street parking, so Carter followed the road around and parked in a small parking lot a short walk away. He got out of his car and checked that it was locked. Twice.

He straightened out his back skinny jeans and make sure that the buttons on his navy shirt were done up right. A deep breath later and he was walking along the cracked and uneven footpath. It was night time, yet he could see almost everything around him, and looking up he could see the reason for that.

A big, bright, full moon hung low in the sky and seemed to act as a nightlight, giving off light but no warmth. Carter brought his arms up around himself as he felt a shiver run through his spine. He cursed himself for not remembering a jacket, and hoped that it would be warmed once they were inside the dinner.

This was the first date that he had been on in what felt like a lifetime, and he was looking forward to it. The only bit he was worried about was trying to get information out of Archer about how he knew Alex without Archer thinking that he was still in love with his ex. Which he wasn't. Of course not.

He was close to the diner when he saw that someone was standing outside of it and Carter smiled as he realised that the person was Archer. He was wearing dark pants and a light blue shirt with the top button undone, it was that kind of shirt that just looked like it was screaming to be ripped off of his body with needy fingers.  

"Hey," he smiled brightly as he reached Archer, whose face transformed into a giant smile at the sight of Carter.   

"Don't you look handsome," Archer replied as a greeting, pressing a sweet kiss to Carters cheek that sure as hell made his cheeks turn a light shade of crimson.

"Did you find the place alright?" Carter asked as they entered through the doors.

Archer shrugged. "Well, I did have to stop and ask for directions where I met a man who offered to sell me drugs, so it was an experience at least."

Carter laughed and they took a seat at a table which was bright red with black chairs pressed along its sides. A peppy waitress came over to them and handed them menu's, listing off specials. They ordered quickly and easily fell into conversation.

"How are you liking the country?" Carter asked.

"It is definitely an experience, very different from my country," Archer told him.

"Do you have any extended family back home? Do you call them?" Carter asked.

"I do have a lot of family actually, many brothers and sisters, but I am only close with a few of them," Archer told him, but by the look on his face, it seemed that he didn't really want to go too into family talk. It seemed to be a harder task than Carter first thought to get information out of Archer, even about just everyday things. Something that he said didn't really make sense. 

He's a Jealous Wolf (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now