Chapter 5 - Free Time Event pt. 2

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(Shuichi's POV)

After y/n and I's big reveal this morning, I can't help but wonder how everyone has been doing.

(Play free time music)

I decide to talk to y/n.
Shuichi: Hey, y/n. How you been?
Y/n: Hey, Shuichi! I'm good.
Shuichi: I hope you don't mind but, can I ask how you became the Ultimate Mutation?
Y/n: I had a feeling you'd ask that eventually...
Shuichi: I-It's fine if you don't want to talk abou-
Y/n: I was experimented on when I was 5.
I'm just gonna shut up and listen...
Y/n: My parents were consulting with some scientists when I was 3 about "making me better." They agreed and performed experiments on me two years later. I watched a wolf, fox, eagle, and bear die in front of me. I was young, but I knew death all too well. After that, they pushed my body to its humanly limit. Made me run for days, weeks even, starved me... Basically tortured me. When I was 9, they finished and I'm the me you see now. They also purposely gave me diseases. I still have them since they made them incurable.
Shuichi: ......
Y/n: S-Sorry! Did I go too deep!?
(A/n: Too deep???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Shuichi: No! I was just curious... What diseases do you have?
Y/n: U-um... Frontal Lobe Dementia, slight Disturbia, Depression, Anxiety, and Despairophobia.
Shuichi: It's that bad!?
Y/n: It gets worse. Sometimes, I go batshit crazy. My despairophobia makes it 10 times worse. I just start spouting things like "What a beautifully HOPEFUL DAY IT IS!!" And other shit like that. I just kinda need someone to balance me out....
Shuichi: I'll be happy to help you, y/n.
Y/n: Really?
Shuichi: Yeah. *hugs Y/n* When we get out of here, I'll make sure you can control your...self
Y/n: *blushes* Heh... Thanks, Shuichi.

I feel like me and Y/n got closer today.

(Nana: And we're done! Sorry for the deep shit. Btw, despairophobia is the fear of despair and things that cause it. It was a random fear I made up. I'm really excited about next chapter! I've been thinking about it for so long! I really hope you like it. Bye!!!!!)

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