Fears Unleashed

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The following night at 7 PM all the students gathered into the classroom just as Professor Henry knew they would. He told everyone to take their seats and to get ready because his story was going to be the scariest of all. He already had one thing on his side, it was completely dark outside. As the students tried to keep from getting scared Professor Henry said,"Are you ready for a real scare?" The students nervously said," Yes." They could not begin to imagine what they were in for. 

When I was thirteen years old I witnessed something that no teenager should have to witness. We lived out in the country and there were a lot of open fields with only dry grass in them. One day as I was walking home I noticed something sticking up out of the grass in one of these fields. I was a little skeptical about going into the field, but knew my curiosity would get the best of me. As I slowly made my way into the grass I started to make out what it was. It was a young girl's body. It looked like she had been stabbed several times and worst of all her head was missing. I started to gag from the sight of her body and for a short time could not move. When I was able to respond I took off screaming toward my house. After telling my parents they called the police. 

After days of holding the body and doing tests the police came up with nothing. We had a possible serial killer on our hands and no one knew who it was and who might be next. For a few months I could do nothing but have nightmares of the girl in that field. I was scared to death that the killer would come for me.

After a few months things started to change I began to have an unusual curiosity about what the killer felt as he stabbed her over and over. I would see myself in that field stabbing her as he had and feel a rush unlike any other. As the students starting hearing where the story was going they tried to bolt out the door. The Professor turned to them and said," It is no use. You cannot leave now. "They tried getting out but the door was locked from the outside. They tried to scream but they could hear the Professor laughing saying,"No one will hear you. Everyone is gone for the day." They tried every means of escape but there was no way out.

The Professor continued his story. It took a few months before I had the insatiable urge to actually try it myself. The first time was remarkable. I felt the rush of my life and I left no evidence behind for them. Unfortunately, as I went I began to make kills closer together and was starting to leave little traces of evidence behind. I took notice of this and tried to correct my mistakes, but it was too late. One week after my last kill I was arrested.

A few months later I was tried and convicted of 13 murders. They always say thirteen is an unlucky number and it sure was for me or so I thought. A few years later I was put to death by lethal injection. I woke up and found that I was in the morgue. A voice came to me as I lay on the table not being able to move or speak. It said," How would you like to make a deal?" I knew as the question that popped into my head was answered who was speaking to me. It could only be the devil himself. He told me that if I would bring others to him he would give me immortality.

As he finished his story the students began to feel things changing in the room. A switch was flipped by the Professor and what the light revealed was scarier than anything they had ever experienced. They were all strapped to tables and they were in a morgue. As they laid there the Professor began to show each and every single one of them what had truly happened to them. "The worst fear of all for mortal man is death", the Professor said. It was so much fun seeing the horror in each of your faces as you told me your fears and I made them come true. It has been fun guys, but I must be about my father's business and bring him the next thirteen students that he asked for. As he finished his words the students noticed him disappear and another figure appear in the room. It was the devil and they were all his now.

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