"You know precisely why I went off at you." I state, still a little traumatised.

We eventually make it to the front of the line and Artemis sighs. "I'll get a single chicken burger." She tells the server.

"She'll have the Chicken burger meal." I interrupt.

She hits me, hard. "No, I will have the single chicken burger."

Artemis walks to the table with her one burger and a bottle of water. I follow her with my five burgers and two soda's.

"Dude, I've seen you eat. You'll gross her out. So please put some effort into chewing."

I frown at his words. I always chew. Its just so fast that he doesn't see it. 
But I follow his advice and eat slower than usual. He is my wingman after all.

"Close your mouth!" He shrieks. "Keep it closed. Christ you're gonna shower her in food."

I roll my eyes but try my best to keep my mouth closed. But its so difficult. How am I meant to fit a burger into my mouth If I have to shut it.
By the time I've finished three of my burgers, Artemis has taken three bites of hers. She places it down on the table with a disgusted look.

"This is so ridiculously greasy." She states, trying to sallow the remainder in her mouth. I watch as a drip of juice slides out of her mouth. It looks delicious.

I find myself staring. She notices and frowns at me.

"What?!" She says aggressively.

"This is when you be a gentlemen and wipe her mouth." Robin instructs.

I grab a serviette. "Please allow me..." I say in my most gentlemanliness voice.

I lean forward and wipe the drip away.
She looks even more disgusted at me now than she was at the burger.

"Why would you even think of using the same serviette that you used!" Robin almost shouted. "Are you actually for real?"

It was all I had with me. They only gave me one serviette, odd considering I ordered five burgers.

Artemis is still looking disgusted. "If you ever do something like that again. I'm going to ram this burger into the place its meant to come out."

"Jesus, didn't know Artemis could be so crude. You really bring out the worst in her."

Eh, she's threatened worse.

"Sorry, I wasn't really thinking."

She shakes her head. "Just finish your burgers so I can kick your ass in bowling.

I smile, "yes ma'am."

I end up finishing within the next minute.

"Alright lets get our bowling shoes." I say, standing up and offering my hand.

She rolls her eyes but grabs my wrist instead.

"Damn, watch it Wally, you might end up being friend-zoned."

Oh christ she better not friend-zone me after all this.

Midnight Snack (Spitfire ThirteenShot)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ