• Prolouge - Chapter One •

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Author's P.O.V -

Year 1963, factual to be a year of death and despair. Well, at least for one woman. Her name, you ask? She was known as Lucy Heartfilia.

Their was this old saying that wise men would inform the townsmen, such as "Rich and Lonely, and Poor and Happy" but really. You could be both and all.

Lucy was not rich nor poor. She was none. She was nothing. Not even a living cell making a heck out of her. She never spoke. She never does. And she never will. Well, at least that's what Lucy thought.

Walking down the disruptive road, full of terrifying crimes, full of misshaped pavement, stood, the woman be told, Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy Heartfilia was twenty-one years old, her mother died when she was in the fifth year of her existence. Err— when she was five years old. Lucy never had a father. At least, she never met him. But she probably would not want to. Even if she had a choice.

Lucy remembered that she was always such a ruthless, scared, weak, and a troublemaker of a child. Although, none of those words really fit in the same categories. She was everything when she was young. But. Not anymore.

"It was all in the past.

And it always will be"

Lucy's left foot stepped on the disgusting, Liquid that's brown, and what people call it, mud.

"Ugh." Is all that came out of Lucy's mouth.

She hates when things get dirty.

Especially if it's hers.

But do you want to know the other reason to why she hates mud or even the word in general?

Well, let me tell you.

It rhymes with blood.

She stepped over the mud and just continued walking with a plain look that children would always call 'boring'.

Something popped in Lucy's mind out of nowhere.

It was a weird type of feeling.

She always thought this, but never thought it would be done.

She always thought that she'd die if she did anything, and I mean everything. She always thought of the feathery quill of her pen would always run out of ink. Which really wasn't a big deal. But she was worried.

She was worried,

that nothing was going to be here when something bad happens.

She was worried that something bad was going to happen.

And guess what.

It did—

It did happen.


Wow. My first official story. And no my other books aren't stories. Obviously. I don't know if this will be a NaLu FanFic or just Lucy's story. I'm liking where this book is going so far. And just to be memorized,

Friday, February 2nd, 2018.
Chapter Made Around 6:18 P.M.

Just if I want to look back to when I made this,

;> .

Lol. Bye.
I'm also going to be making a schedule for my books. And yes. I have more books in the making.

Like, literally 10. I have more but I'm more interested than the ones I'm in the middle of making. But yeah. I'll post my schedule as a book. I guess. Because I HATE making author notes. Because well. People think it's a
chapter— Great. I got off topic.
K, bye.

Although. This is a tiny author's note. Lol.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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