she's my winona.

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=well since sabrina wanted me to do this i guess i will


You sighed, walking through the hallways as quickly as you could, not wanting to be late for maybe the hundredth time to Mr. Wentz's class. He would throw an actual fit if you arrived late one more time. You thought it was kinda funny though, seeing a teacher get so pissy about a simple late. You picked up your pace, hearing the minute bell ring. Fuck, you thought, turning the corner to see Mr. Wentz's class in view. Fuck him for having his class at the end of the God damn school. As soon as your foot entered the class, the bell rang, and Mr. Wentz's eyes met yours. 

"Late? Again, y/n?" His voice sounded tired, and he probably didn't have his morning coffee today. Shit, you knew that you were over with now. "Detention after school today, my room. Don't you dare be late."

"Yes Sir," you muttered, face slightly flushed as people snickered. You sat down in your sit, keeping your head down as he went over the lesson plan. You thought he would leave you alone most of class, but alas, that was the opposite of what Mr. Wentz did. 

"Y/n, please read on page 107 for us," He said, and your head snapped up. You guys kept eye contact, and he gave you a slight glare. "Y/n," he called out, and you sighed out a 'okay'. You read out, which you hated because who the fuck wanted to listen to you read about Shakespeare over and over again just because the teacher had an obsession with poetry? After you were done, you gave the older male a slight glare, sitting back in your seat and crossing your arms over your button up. Mr. Wentz didn't waste time sending you a glare back, and you hated when he was in a bad mood. 

Around the end of the class, there was free time to talk, so you went over to your friends to talk. You bent over your friends desk, the skirt you had to wear (because the school was horrible and had to have a dress code), slightly rose up. You could feel a pair of eyes on you, and your peaked over your shoulder to see Mr. Wentz checking you out. You blushed, standing up straight quickly, and the smirk on his lips grew. Your friends gave you a look, raising their brow, and your cheeks flushed even more. 

"I think Mr. Wentz over there wished your skirt was shorter," your friend smirked, and you rolled your eyes. The bell rung, and you walked out with them, going to get your bag before returning to Mr. Wentz's class. You said goodbye to your friends, walking back to the class slowly. What was with Mr. Wentz today? Checking you out, but also calling you out? Whata prick! You walked in slowly, swallowing thickly as he looked up from his laptop. 

"Close the door please, oh, make sure you lock it," Mr. Wentz said.

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