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(Y/N) POV:

It's been 20 years since Dad left on the day me and Nero defeated Mundus. I haven't heard from him in a while but I know he's doing well. I training with Rebellion doing a few combos and waiting for a reunion with everyone. I performed Rebellion combo B and I took a breather.

(Y/N): Still got it

Since 15 years ago I married Akeno, Koneko, and Xenovia. I ran the business and they would help me. It's been nice but thing's got better because I got a few more family members.

I side rolled and heard a crash on the ground. I see fire and my Daughter Yang with IFRIT equipped.

 I see fire and my Daughter Yang with IFRIT equipped

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Yang: I almost had you.

(Y/N): Almost firecracker, but that's not gonna beat me.

I turned around and used Rebellion to block my two sons. James and Killua.

 James and Killua

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Killua had Alastor and James with Beowulf. I push them behind me and they land next to Yang.

James: Looks like you still got it old man.

(Y/N): What I say about calling me old!

Killua: You still got moves Dad.

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