The Legend of Piedmont Cove

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The Legend of Piedmont Cove


Joey Hubbard


Have you ever heard the legend of Piedmont Cove? Do you even know what Piedmont Cove is? Piedmont Cove is a small suburban town hidden somewhere in Indiana. They say it's a place that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is. Why can't it be found you might ask? No one really knows. Some people might call it a small hole-in-the-wall town. Others refer to it as a town that time forgot. Most people even go so far as to call it the kind of town that you don't drive to, but the kind of town that you drive through. Just like the legend of the infamous Route 66, very few people believe in it. To this date, the only people who believe in Piedmont Cove are the people who are silly or foolish enough to live there. The population alone is less than fifteen. The people who do live there describe it as a place that you go to escape life. It's a place where you have no worries, no troubles, no problems, no responsibilities, and everyone knows each other. But I'm getting off the topic. This story isn't all about Piedmont Cove. This story is mainly about a young man named Adam T. Logan and his struggling journey towards finding the right path to adulthood, love, family, friendship, fame and fortune. The journey is what would eventually lead him to Piedmont Cove.

Some time ago, Adam T. Logan (the T. stands for Tyler) was just another average everyday high school student growing up in Milwaukee Wisconsin with hopes of someday becoming a famous musician and singer. Now Adam didn't come from a well-to-do family, but he didn't come from a broken family either. He came from an in-between type of family (the kind of family with parents that could always afford to give their kids the things they never had as children). His parents had divorced when he was six years old. When he was seven, his dad remarried after falling in love with a woman named Isobel Scotts, who had a daughter of her own named Jennifer "Jen" Scotts, so he gained a new stepmom and stepsister. During his senior year in high school, he, Jen and six of his closest friends formed their own rock band. They called themselves Adam and The Alley Cat Blues. The band consisted of him as the lead singer and lead guitarist, his best friend Eric Myers on electric guitar, Wesley "Wes" Collins on drums, Lucas Kendall on keyboard, Tori Hanson was the bassist and Katie Walker was the tambourine player. Tori and Katie were also the backup singers. Jen was also a backup singer and the songwriter. Adam's last friend Trip Regis was the special effects technician for the band. Trip also played the saxophone in the band every once in a while. They were more than just a band though; they all were the best of friends. Adam and Eric had known each other since the first grade. They met Wes, Lucas, and Trip when they were in the fifth grade, and they had met Tori and Katie during their freshman year in high school. Wes and Tori began dating during their sophomore year and Lucas and Katie began dating around the same time. Trip developed a crush on Jen during their junior year, but he could never get up the nerve to tell her, so Adam eventually told her for him. The eight of them had been close friends ever since.

It was less than three weeks before graduation day and each of them had no idea about what would become of each other after that day. They wondered, "Would the pressures of college and summer jobs force their band apart, or would the bitterness of adulthood simply pull them apart no matter what?" Adam, who had always been somewhat of a natural born leader, was determined to make sure that they stayed together no matter what the cause. He decided to spend some time over the next few days thinking and considering what ideas he might have and which could possibly be the best of them all.

One day while they were in his garage having a rehearsal, Adam said to them, "Hey you guys, let's settle down for a minute. I want to ask you guys something." Wes struck a riff on his drums to get everyone to quiet down. Eric stopped plinking and asked, "What's up Adam T.?" Adam cleared his throat and said, "As you all know, in less than two weeks we're all going to graduate from high school and we'll have to move on with our lives and all that, right?" Lucas struck a few keys and said, "I hope you're going somewhere good with this A.T.L, because if you're not then I see no point in listening to this conversation." Wes added, "I'm with Lucas on this one man." A.T.L was the band's personal nickname for Adam because they were his initials. Katie said, "Why don't you guys just keep quiet and listen to what our leader has to say? After all he is the one that brought us together, and he's also the one that keeps us together." Trip added, "Yeah you guys, settle down and listen to our buddy." Adam replied, "Katie and Trip. Thank you both very much for looking out for me, now what was I saying? Oh yeah, what I want to suggest is that after grad week, why don't we all just pack up our gear and band equipment, and take a little cross country road trip across the Midwest? If you guys think about it, it could really be a lot of fun. I mean after this summer is over, some of us are gonna go off to college or get full-time jobs and we'll only get to see each other on holidays, weekends and on our birthdays if we're lucky. This could be the last chance we have to be together as a band. It could also be our last chance to spend real quality time with each other and have some real rock n roll fun. What do you think guys?" Tori didn't have to think twice because she immediately stood up and said, "Adam, I'm in!" Katie stood up next, raised her tambourine in the air and said, "You can count on me to come along." Wes stood up with both drumsticks raised in the air and said, "As Fleetwood Mac once said, "I wanna be with you everywhere." I'm definitely in." Eric plinked a few notes on his guitar and said, "I'm with you all the way buddy." Lucas slowly got up and said, "I will tag along too my friend. There's no doubt in my mind about that." Trip said, "I'm behind you 100% of the way my brother from another mother." Jen stood up and asked, "What kind of songwriter and band member would I be if I didn't come along?" Adam replied, "Okay then, it's decided. After graduation week, we'll put all of our gear and band equipment together in my dad's truck, gather up all the money we have, and then we'll pack up all our clothes, and hit the road for the summer."

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