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Eric, Donna, Fez, Josie and Kelso were all watching TV in the basement, when Hyde came over to tell them to shut up. "Hey, hey, can you guys keep it down a bit please?" he asked. "Hyde, there's lipstick on your chin" Donna laughed, and Josie raised her eyebrow.

"Hyde, why are you putting lipstick on your chin? It's for your lips" Fez told him. "Hey, maybe he's got a girl back there! So, Hyde, who's the lucky lady?"

"I never kiss and tell" said Hyde, looking at Josie, then everyone else. "It's Kat Peterson" he smirked. "Yeah right!" said Donna. "You're telling me, the most popular girl in school is in your bed?" Josie asked. "Yeah, what happened to Farrah Fawcett, did her car break down?"

"Look, just keep it down alright? Cause you're killing the mood" he said before running back. "Hyde, there is no mood because there is no one back there" Fez snickered. Jackie marched happily into the basement, saying her big party was all set, then handed Donna and Josie an envelope.

"The attire is semi-formal casual" Jackie smiled. "Finally, I can wear my tuxedo t-shirt" Fez smiled. "Uh, sorry Fez, I forgot to invite you and Hyde" Jackie told him. "Oh, well it's never too late" said Fez, and Jackie just turned around and left.

"Don't worry Fez, I'm sure you and Hyde can come" Michael reassured the boy. "No, Michael. They can't" Jackie said, walking back in. "Okay, I get it. They can't come" Michael agreed, but smirked and nodded at Fez, thinking he was being secretive.

Jackie dragged him out by his ear, and Josie laughed at him. "Okay, Donna, I'll give you a hundred bucks if you don't make me go to this party" Eric said. "Show me the hundred" she replied, his plan backfiring in his face.

"Well, the party's tomorrow night, so I better go home and start putting on cologne now" Fez said, getting up and leaving. "Why is he like
this?" Josie asked, Eric and Donna shrugging.

Josie sat up from beside Donna and went to sit in Hyde's chair, but she stopped upon seeing Kat Peterson walk out. "So, that was fun" she said. "No, Disneyland's fun. That, was nasty" Hyde smirked as they stopped in front of the door and kissed.

"Oh my god, Hyde. Kat Peterson. Nice!" Donna nodded. Josie rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and pretended to shove her fingers down her throat. "Problem, Josie?" Steven smirked. "Yeah. She's disgusting."

"Listen. I'm not letting your little feud with her interfere with my sex life" Steven told her. "Wow, what a great friend you are" Josie sarcastically smiled, then went upstairs to make a snack.

Josie hated Kat Peterson. She didn't hate anyone, except her. Why? Because freshman year, Kat stole Josie's boyfriend. She hated holding a grudge over something that didn't matter anymore, but Kat kept rubbing things in her face. Whenever she had a new boy toy, she made sure to annoy Josie with him, and it worked. And now, she went after one of Josie's best friends.

She angrily stirred her pot of noodles, and stole one of her dads beers while her parents weren't around. She ate, and then went out for a cigarette. She stood by the basement door, puffing angrily, but slowly calming down.

The door opened, and Hyde stepped outside, lighting his own. "You know, smokings bad for you" he said. "So are STD's" Josie fired back, and he laughed. "Why are you so mad?"

"You know what she did to me" Josie told him. "Jo, it was freshman year! It doesn't matter."

"Well when she keeps rubbing it in your face, it does. And for you, as my best friend, to actually go for her? Do you know how angry that makes me?"

"I'm your best friend?" he asked. "No! You're in the category but you don't hold the top title. And that's not the point! Currently, you're at the bottom of my list" Josie rambled. "Who was before?" Hyde asked. "Kelso."

Steven got offended at what she said, but he didn't show it. He knew he was using Kat to distract himself from his feelings for Jo.


While at Jackie's party, Hyde and Fez showed up, as well as twenty others - making Jackie go ballistic. Josie was being pestered by a boy with no pants on, and she was still pissed about Hyde and Kat.

She saw him try to talk to her at the party, but get shut down, so she walked over to him just to laugh in his face. "Shut up, Josie. Go bug someone else" he told her. "Fine. Talk to you never" she said as she walked away.

"Oh no, Hyde. You really made her upset" Fez told him. "No I didn't, she's just being childish."

"You know what else is childish? You sleeping with Kat to get over your feelings for Josie" Fez smirked, and Steven glared. "I don't have feelings for - I don't have to explain myself to you!" Hyde yelled before storming away, leaving Fez alone, smiling cause he was right.

Josie ended up going home after Michael set something on fire, and tried putting it out with alcohol. She slowly made her way upstairs and changed into her pyjama shirt. After changing, her window opened, and she turned around to see Steven.

"Did you just watch me change?" she asked. "Yep. It was a wonderful show" he snickered. "Go to hell" Josie said before turning off her bedroom light. "I'm sorry" Hyde said as he turned the light back on. "Good."

"I don't know what I was thinking" he added. "Cause you weren't."

"Josie, shut up! I'm trying to apologize. And not one of those half-ass apologies I give to everyone else. I'm being serious here, okay?"

Josie stayed silent, and sat on her bed. "Fine. Just don't do it again, or I will punch you so hard you'll forget you were ever born" she said, and he laughed. "Great! That's what I've always wanted" he joked, and she slapped him in the arm.

The two sat in silence for a few moments before saying goodnight. Hyde smiled at Josie before turning the light off and shutting the door for her as he left. She let out a sigh, realizing she didn't care about Kat. She cared far too much for her liking, about Steven.


hELLO!!!!! as y'all could tell i took a long ass hiatus, but ya girl is BACK

i stepped away from wattpad/stan twitter bc toxic ppl, and also cause i have like 0 time ever

but hello here's an update sorry it's shitty i needs get back into writing

all my love | s. hydeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant