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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


It had been a few days since Steven and Josie had fallen asleep together. They both pretended it never happened, but they both wanted it to happen again. Of course, they never said anything to each other about it.

After school, Josie had been in her room playing guitar. She was playing 'In My Time of Dying', by none other than Led Zeppelin. Steven had left Eric's room to use the washroom, and heard her play and sing along quietly. He stood outside her door for a little while, just listening to her.

He knocked softly on the door before entering, and he smiled. "Keep going, it's really good" he said, and her cheeks turned red. "I didn't know you could sing" Steven said as he sat on her bed.

"I can't" she chuckled softly. "You can. You may not think so, but it does sound amazing. So keep going" he egged her on, and her cheeks stayed red as she continued to play. Steven closed his eyes and laid down on her bed, listening to her.

"Are you serenading him with rock music?" Eric asked, standing in the doorway. "No, dipshit" Josie scoffed. "Then what's going on, lovebirds?" he teased. "Shut it before I shut it for you, Forman" Steven said as he sat up.

"I'm just playing guitar, cause I have a talent unlike you" Josie smirked, and Eric fumbled for words. "That was mean!" he said before walking away. Josie stood up from her chair and went to put her guitar away before Hyde stopped her. "Teach me how to play" he said.

"You wanna learn guitar?" she asked. "Yeah, might as well learn from you since I don't have money for lessons" he shrugged. "Okay" she said, sitting beside him. She went through all the cords, and started teaching him how to play Hotel California.

They spent two hours going over the cords again and again, and then stopped to eat dinner. "So," Eric began once everyone was seated. "..what have you two been up to today? I've barely seen either of you" he directed to Josie and Steven.

"Actually, Josie's been teaching me how to play the guitar" Steven said proudly. "Really? Oh honey that's so sweet of you!" Kitty exclaimed. "Good for you, Steven. It's always good to have other qualities such as that" Red said. Eric was disappointed with the outcome of the conversation, and both Josie and Hyde stuck their tongues out at Eric.

They went through normal dinner routine, talking about school and whatever other small talk came to mind. Eric and Josie had gotten stuck with dish duty after everyone had finished. Eric had washed while Josie dried.

"So, why Hyde?" Eric asked. "Why Hyde what?"

"Oh come on" Eric said, looking at her like she was ridiculous. "What? I'm genuinely confused on what you're talking about" Josie said as she put a plate away. "We all know that 'guitar lessons' is actually more like 'sex ed'" he chuckled, Josie remained straight faced. "First off, that wasn't even close to being funny. Second, Hyde really wants to learn guitar and it's not like he has any money for lessons. Why is everything always about sex with boys? Jesus. It's impossible to genuinely be friends with a guy, it's ridiculous."

Eric hadn't known what to say, so he said nothing. Josie wasn't sure wether she was happy about that or not. They finished the dishes in silence, and Josie headed back to her room only to find Steven sitting on her bed fiddling with the guitar.

"Howdy, Forman" Steven greeted once he saw her standing in the doorway. "Bonjour" she replied, and he rolled his eyes. "Get outta here with your French bullshit" he said, and Josie laughed. "You love it" she said, and he rolled his eyes.

He had thought about it, and it was pretty hot hearing her speak French. Even just the one word. Josie had let Steven manage the guitar on his own, giving him pointers every so often as she read a magazine.

He gave up after another hour, and whined about being bored. "We could go see who's in the basement" Josie shrugged, and Hyde nodded. The two walked downstairs, only to see all their friends. "What were you two doing?" Kelso asked, smirking.

"Oh you know, things" Josie smirked. "What kind of things?" he asked again. "Sweaty things" she whispered in his ear, and everyone was trying not to burst out laughing at Kelso's reaction. Even Jackie thought it was funny - which came as a surprise to everyone.

Josie sat on the arm of the couch between Hyde and Eric, and stared blankly at the TV. They all did this for the next five or so hours until everyone went home.

Eric, Josie and Steven had all went upstairs to get ready for bed. Josie changed into a tank top and plaid pyjama shorts, then went to brush her teeth and wash her face. She put on a quick face mask, and brushed her teeth while it dried.

"That's a good look for you" Steven said as he walked in. Josie flipped him off as she continued brushing her teeth. Once she was done, she took her hair out of her ponytail and ran her fingers through it, saying goodnight to Hyde as she went back to her room.

She laid awake for a while, thinking about what Eric had said today. Calling her and Steven lovebirds. For some reason she couldn't brush that comment off. If it were Fez or Kelso she were with, it'd be no issue. But Steven was different, and she wasn't sure why.


ik the description says slowburn but it actually aches me

all my love | s. hydeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن