xxx. miss me?

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F A C E T I M E !

noodle head is calling...

decline   accept

call accepted !

call connecting...

"ev!" wyatt exclaimed as soon as the call connected.

"wy!" everly exclaimed back, just as lilia- who had been getting something to eat- came into the dining room.

"is wyatt here?" lilia asked, but then realized that everly had her phone in her hands and said, "oh, nevermind. hey wyatt!" she said before sitting down on a chair across from everly and getting on her phone as she started to eat.

"he's here in our hearts." everly put her hand on her chest and looked up to the ceiling.

"and in your phone." wyatt pointed out, raising his eyebrows.

"ok, yeah sure." everly rolled her eyes and laughed, then asked, "what's up with the weird angle, noodle head?" referring to the fact that his phone was closely pointed towards the top half of his face.

"oh, right. there's a reason i called you." wyatt said.

"you mean not just because it's been a whole week since you last saw me and you miss me?" everly questioned, then added, "are you sure? sounds fishy to me."

lilia laughed as wyatt exclaimed, "no! not just because i miss you."

"ah, so you admit it. you miss me." everly says nodding her head as lilia continues laughing, listening into the conversation, but not actually saying anything.

"no! i mean yes, but no. just- let me talk." wyatt sighs.

"i am letting you talk! you haven't even answered my question." everly pointed out.

"i did! i said that it's because i had a reason to call you." he says, defending himself.

"how does that even correlate, babes?"

"because," wyatt paused and flipped his camera, then moved his phone slightly higher for a better angle, "ta-da!"

"cho! jeremy!" everly exclaimed, waving her hand.

"they can't see you, ev. or hear you." wyatt tells her, laughing.

"then give them your phone and take off those earphones!"

"fine, fine." wyatt flipped the camera back, took off his earphones, and walked over to chosen and jeremy- who had just been chatting about random things- handing chosen the phone.

"why'd you give him your phone?" jeremy asked.

wyatt sat back down where he previously was and just points towards his phone in response to jeremy, causing him to change his neutral expression to a confused one.

"hey guys!" everly exclaimed, once again waving.

"hey, ev!" chosen smiles and waves back, jeremy scoots over closer to see the phone and does the same.

"when did you guys get in la? why didn't you tell me? i would've tried to go see you two!" everly says, confused.

"well, wyatt told us that he knew you were gonna be pretty busy until tomorrow." jeremy tells her.

"yeah, i guess." everly pouts and says, "we've been pretty busy on set and stuff, but it's been fun!" which causes lilia to widen her eyes and nod in agreement while everly laughs at her reaction.

"are you actually free tomorrow, though?" chosen questions.

"yup! are you two?"

"two? only two!" wyatt exclaims.

everly laughs at wyatt's reaction and says, "my bad, wyatt. are you three free tomorrow?"

"yes!" both chosen and jeremy exclaim at the same time.

"cool! i'll see you guys tomorrow then." everly smiles and just then, her mom calls out for both her and lilia, no doubt to take them back to set.

"i'm guessing you have to go?" chosen asks.

"yeah, sorry." she says apologetically, before saying, "bye you two! bye wyatt!" and hanging up.

this facetime call has ended !

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