xiii. lover boy

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M E S S A G E S !

hello wyatt

it's 2am

your point?

fair enough

hey since we're both up and i'm bored

you wanna play 2o questions to get to know each other better?

ew no what
we know each other enough i think
how many people have does this to you?
blink twice if you're stuck at a sleep over

you can't even see me

you're right!
which leads me to my original point

which is?

wanna ft lover boy?

of course
i mean why not
and please don't call me lover boy

lover boy

i take the call back

you can't
i'm gonna call
i'm calling

F A C E T I M E !

everly would like to facetime !

decline accept

call accepted !

call connecting...

"no take backs now mr. wyatt oleff." everly smiles, obviously in content with herself.

everly was laying down on the floor with her phone propped up by her laptop, a lamp turned on for lighting, and with max asleep on one of the beds behind her.

wyatt, however, was in bed already. he held his phone up and a lamp by his bed was turned on for lighting as well.

"why not just mr. oleff?" wyatt asked, a confused look on his face.

"stop questioning me, wy." everly responds, faking a serious tone.

"fine, ev." he raises his free hand in mock defeat and smiles a bit once everly starts laughing.

"i love always being right!" everly exclaims.

"you're not!" wyatt says, mocking her tone. "and how are you so energetic right now?" he asks, clearly curious as to why the girl didn't seem ready to go to bed at any moment. she wasn't even in her pajamas yet.

"i accidentally drank caffeinated coffee at like 10pm," everly shrugs her shoulders, "no going back now."

"that explains it, i knew someone couldn't be so lively this late."

"i could be! coffee just boosted my liveliness."

"sure, sure." wyatt nods his head, trying to act serious, but starts laughing as soon as he sees everly glaring at him.

"i'm kidding!" wyatt exclaims.

"sure, sure." everly mocks wyatt, causing him to start laughing.

wyatt shakes his head, but then asks, "so, how was your day?"

"asking me about my day?" everly gasps, "wow, a true gentleman."

"i mean, what can i say. i'm a ladies man." wyatt says, raising his eyebrows and making everly start laughing hysterically, which causes max to stir in his sleep.

"oh my god, i hate you so much." everly whispers, still laughing.

"no you don't, liar."

"you almost made me wake max up!"

"but he didn't!"

"fair enough," everly sighs, faking annoyance, but quickly composes herself and says, "and to answer your question, by the way, my day was good. we just had to do some reshoots, which is what we've been working on all week."

"reshoots already? didn't you guys just start filming?" wyatt questions.

"no, i just hadn't been posting about it, we should be wrapping up soon actually." everly states matter-of-factly.

"oh, got it." wyatt nods his head. "is it the last season of the show?" he asks.

"sadly." everly frowns, "i'm really gonna miss everyone."

"i know how you feel." wyatt tells her empathetically. "there's always promo and premieres, though!" he exclaims, obviously trying to lift up everly's mood.

"yeah, you're right," everly smiles, "plus! i'm finally going back home soon and then i get to start filming something else."

"oh? what else are you gonna start?" wyatt asks.

"can't tell you much, sorry." she frowns, but then perks up and tells him, "i can tell you that it's a movie called "we all looked up" and lilia is one of my co-stars, though! you know lilia, right?"


"that's the one!"

"yeah, jae had mentioned something about that but i thought it was still further down the line."

"no," everly shakes her head, "it's really soon, actually. i'm flying out to la the 18th."

"la? like los angeles?" wyatt asks, his eyes widening.

"no, like lake antonio." everly says, laughing.

wyatt rolls his eyes, but then asks, "wait? is that even a place?"

"who knows?" everly shrugs her shoulders, "i just couldn't think of something else."

"right, well," wyatt stops, yawning, "i'm getting really tired, i'm sorry. goodnight, ev."

"no problem, don't worry about it!" everly smiles and leans over to grab her phone to end the call, but before she does she says, "goodnight, lover boy."

"everly, i swe-"

this facetime has ended !

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