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It was the first day back from summer break, and for once I wasn't upset about it. For some unexplainable reason I had a good feeling about this year. It was going to be a good one.

I shut the door of my locker and turned to my best friend, Scott. He gave me a wide, happy smile, and greeted me.

"Good morning Stiles!"

"Hey Scottie," I replied.

We turned together and started walking down the hallway to class. We chatted about our break, but because most of it was spent together it was more reminicent than anything else.

The morning was the same as any other. Friends were catching up after the long break, new kids were skimming their schedules, couples were walking eachother to class. Just a normal Monday morning.

Walking down that hallway was second nature at this point, so when the dark, brooding guy walked through the front doors, I definitely took notice.

The man looked like he stepped right out of a GQ magazine, with his black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket, and sunglasses. I couldn't help but stare, stopping dead in my tracks. The shock was almost too much. I barely felt my classmates rushing around me, jostling my body as I stood, bolted to the floor. The man seemed normal enough, sure. If you dismiss the murderous look on his face, he might even be described as attractive. But that's not what startled me so much. What kept me frozen in the center of the hallway was the number I saw when I looked at him. Ten.

All of my life I've had this....ability. Whenever I look at someone, I can sense how powerful they are, on a scale from one to ten. A child is no more than a three, and most adults are a five, maybe six. I met a few sevens when I went to a military base, and Scott, was an eight.

Over the summer, my dad, Beacon Hills's sheriff, got a call about a murder in the woods. I'd overheard, maybe eavesdropped, but of course I called Scott. That night, Scott got bit by a rouge alpha and he became a werewolf.

So yeah, Scott was an eight. But if a freaking werewolf was only an eight, I always thought that a ten would be impossible. Yet here I was, staring one down in the middle of my high school. Great.

Scott realized I was no longer next to him and he turned back around. He walked back to where I was being pushed around and snapped me out of my trance. Taking one look at my ghostly face he grabbed me by the arm and led me to the locker room.

"Dude, what just happened?"

I sat on one of the benches and tried to steady my breathing before speaking.

"So you know how I can sense, like, people's power?"

Scott nodded, a confused expression masking his face.

"Well that guys that walked through the doors. He was a ten."

Scott's breath caught as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Like for real, an actual ten?"

"No Scott, I'm just shitting you, he's actually a two," I said, rolling my eyes. "Yes, of course he's a ten, why would I lie about that?"

He glared at me and said, "No need to get all snarky Stiles."

I huffed but understood I was being an ass.

"Sorry man. I'm just freaked out, and I don't know what to do."

"Yea I got nothing either, sorry bro."

And with that, Scott turned around and left for class, leaving me to wonder about what I just witnessed.


I was driving into town when an intoxicating scent filled my nose. It was one of mint, vanilla, and a hint of.....adderall? It clouded my mind and before I knew what I was doing, I was following the scent. I ended up at the high school of all places, but nevertheless, I charged through the doors and scanned the crowd of teens.

The scent was overwhelming, but with so many people around me, I couldn't tell who it was coming from.

While trying to distinguish it, another, very peculiar thing happened. I caught wind of an unknown werewolf. To my knowledge the only werewolves in Beacon Hills were the ones in my pack, and this scent definitely didn't belong to any of them. I stood in the doorway, peering out over the student body, and wondered who these strange scents belonged to.

Before I could cause too much disruption, I walked back to my car, and texted the teenagers in my pack.

From Derek
Hey guys, I was driving around town and I caught some weird scents. I followed them to the school and one of them was an unknown werewolf. Be on the lookout for a new wolf, and anything else that may be suspicious. I don't have a good feeling about this. Be careful and text or call if you need anything.

With that I started my car and drove away, the delicious smell still haunting my nose.

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