Chapter 6 : Cave Raid II

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"Let's go!" (MC)

Rather than asking her to stay behind, I took her with me as we rushed into the goblin's cave. I ran in front of the beautiful fox with my body clad in fire, I ran through the goblins while dishing out blows to the goblins in front of me. The beautiful fox behind me used [Frost Whip] and attacked the closest goblins from us that I miss, she put priority to killing any goblins with projectile weapons. With her backing me up, I didn't have any worry and just went on with the massacre.

After a while, I finally felt fatigue closing on to me. The goblins were just that many, there was no end to them. One got killed and another ten came forward. Ten got killed and another hundred came forward. Should I say, as expected of a race with great reproductive ability? From the look of her face, the beautiful fox probably almost spent all her mana. As much as I want to keep fighting, it would only be a matter of time before they overrun us. It would be foolish to keep fighting. I scanned the area, in the long path of the dark cave infested with goblins, I spotted a worn wooden door.

"Follow me!" (MC)

I bulldoze everything on my way toward the door, the beautiful fox followed closely behind me. After we went in, I closed the door and yelled.

"Ice the door!" (MC)

The beautiful fox understood what I meant, she then froze the door and the wall around it. I could hear the faint sound of goblins hitting the door in order to break it but neither the door or the ice budge in any way. Although it may look like it was fine, I knew the door would be broken into sooner or later.

"Let's rest and recover our strength as much as we could." (MC)

I was just finished saying that and about to lied down when suddenly I realized there was a breathing sound behind us and it was just one. I was yelling at myself for being careless, I hastily turned my head and was stunned by what I saw.

Cages, there were five cages to be exact. Inside the cages were naked women of various race. There were about twenty women. Their whole body was covered in filth and many small injuries, some even festered. From what I saw, I could identify human, elf, dwarf, beastmen, and there was even one woman with reptile characteristics. They were women from different races, but they all have two similar points. Their bleak and hollow eyes and their protruding stomach. I knew these disturbing scene all too well. When it was but a fiction, a mere drawing, it was arousing for me. But when it became reality and I saw it firsthand like this, it really makes me sick in the stomach.

I walked toward them but they didn't even twitch, their face was still lifeless and blank. When I observed them closely, I noticed the tendons in their arms and legs were cut. Clinging on their neck was a black collar, something familiar to me. It froze my heart and spine when I saw how bad their condition was. It made me realized that this was a different world all over again, it was different from the world I was once a part of. This was a crueler world, a cruel dog-eat-dog world, death was not the scariest thing in this world. Being deprived of dying, couldn't die when you wanted to and being kept alive against your will was the scariest thing in this world.


One of the women in the cage in front of me opened her mouth to say something while staring straight at me with her lifeless eyes, but what came out was broken words. I strained my ear and went down to my knees.


She tried to raise her hand toward me but she was too weak to do that, her hand only rise a little before dropping down. After that, one of the women said the same thing with the same broken words. Soon, another one spoke the same thing and followed by another one, until finally, they all spoke up.

I'll be happy as a monsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz