Why didn't he take his hand away? Maybe he was thinking the same as I was? Nope, impossible. No way no how! All that goes through that boys head is dogs and volleyball.

My shoes scuffed against the gravel of the road and I began to hum the tune of Sukiyaki to myself. It always got stuck in my head and I'd find myself singing along to it whenever I was alone.

"Oya, sassy." I nearly jumped out of my skin as a deep voice called out behind me. I spun around to find the number two of Ubugawa, standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Oya." I replied flatly, turning to continue walking. He jogged to catch up, falling into step with me.

"I'm trying to speak to you. You always this rude?" He asked with a chuckle, walking a little too close for comfort. I took a step away, but continued moving, eyes straight ahead.

"Pretty much."

I don't like this.

"Does Sassy-Chan have a name?" He continued, looking down at me as I tried not to pay attention.

"Sassy will do just fine." I muttered, speeding my pace. He copied.

Leave me alone, creep...

"You can call me Ashiya, Vice Captain of Ubugawa." He seemed to ignore my attitude, which ticked me off further.

"I knew a dog named Ashiya. He's way more attractive than you." I stated, hunching my shoulders.

Please just take a hint and go away, creepy vice captain...

All of a sudden, I wasn't walking anymore. My back hit the fence separating the grass and sidewalk, and Ashiya was holding my wrists down, smirking in a way that made my skin crawl.

"Come on, Sassy-Chan...I just wanna be friends..." The way he chuckled was dark and unnerving, and I was helpless in his firm grip despite squirming and thrashing.

"Get off me, you sweaty mountain of shit!" I bellowed, trying to kick out against his shins. I made contact, but he didn't move an inch.


He leant down closer and I could smell his hot breath against my face; I wanted to gag.

Why is it so quiet?! Why does this have to happen in the one part of town that's silent and motionless?!

"You're very pretty, you know? The boys and I were gonna go hang out and check out the town before we leave tomorrow...you'd be a great addition to my arm..." His flirty voice was twisted. I felt fear seep from my veins and I swallowed, trying not to make it visible.

"Sorry, b..but my parents are expecting me..."

Don't stutter now, you idiot!

He pressed harder, pushing his knee between my legs, and that's when I realised this wasn't just a scare tactic.

"We can make this quick, if you need to leave..." A chill ran down my spine as he purred sickly, letting go of one of my wrists to brush up my thigh under the hem of my skirt. I was completely frozen. The muggy night turned to ice as tears pricked in my eyes, blurring the vision of the giant third year stranger.

"P..Please leave me a..alone..." I whispered, flinching as his filthy fingers reached the edge of my underwear that covered a thin section of my outer hip.

I can't cry. I refuse to cry. That's what he wants. I need to do something! But how...? I'm a girl...he's almost twice my size!

My mind raced as I felt him move closer to my crotch, licking his fat, putrid lips.

Carnal - Kyōtani x Reader -Haikyuu!! Where stories live. Discover now