A event to remember

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(im currently writing this at 1am so it may stop abruptly if your reading this as soon as it comes out- dont worry though! therell be more!)

Out of all the people K1-B0, the ultimate robot, could ask to help execute his plan to escape this horrid school for gifted juveniles. For some reason his processor had determined that Himiko Yumeno, ultimate "mage" (or ultimate lazy ass as he had heard miu once call her during one of their less,, awkward maintence checks) was the most suitable for his plan.

"ah- Yumeno-San! May I speak with you for a minute?" the hopeful boy asks, only barely being acknowledged by the short redheaded girl as she raised her head from the table in the form of her classic nyeh-ing.

"HEY! dont wake Himiko from her nap you- im sorry I still dont know if your a degenerate male or a girl,," Tenko interjects, the robot swear he could feel his eyes rolling back in annoyance. of course the akido master, who was, quite frankly, obviously crushing on Himiko, would be mad at him for disturbing the poor magician.

"Ah- Firstly, I dont really have a gender, nor do I necessairly need one. Secondly, itll only take a moment! I swear!" Keebo Pleaded, The taller Green haired girl reluctantly agreed, and off the the mage and robot went

"so what did you want to talk to me about? could it be your finally interested in learning how my magic works?" Himiko wondered, growing visibly excited at the thought

"Ah- Uhm- Sadly not, another time prehaps!" Keebo apologizes, though he didnt intend to go through with that offer. The mages face returns to its usual sleepy tone after hearing that, and the white haired boy then speaks again.

"you see, I have a secret plan to get everyone out of this 'school'"

Himikos face was suddenly awake once more, it seems she was interested.

"but I need the help of one more person to iniate it. it must be kept a secret until I say so as to not alert monokuma and its kubs however, are you up to the task?" He asks nervously, occupying his fingers by poking his index's together

"that kindaaa sounds like a pain, but if it means we get to go home and I get to sleep in my own comfy bed, then I guess I can spare some mana for the job. you dont seem like the type to kill so I trust you" Himiko replies, yawning after finishing her scentence

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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