The Truth Of Auslex

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My phone buzzes in my hand. With a look at my home screen I know it's Alex. With a smile I answer the call.
"Hey, Austin" he says.
"Hey" I answer.
"I wondered if you want to come over. Just hanging out, maybe watch a movie. Do you want to come?" He asks.
"Wait. I'll ask mom." I tell him. "Mom!" I shout, holding a hand on the microphone so Alex wouldn't become deaf or something. "Yes, honey?" Mom answers when she appears in the door to my room. She must have been in the living room. "Alex is on the phone and asks if I can come over and hang out. Can I?" I look at her with this smile, she never can resist against. And as I thought she responded "You can. But please make sure you guys aren't up too late! You have a huge concert tomorrow and you don't want to let your lovely Mahomies down, do you?"
Mahomies. These super cute, funny, crazy, gorgeous, beautiful Mahomies. I love them and I'll never want to let them down. I will never forget them. They mean so much to me. And mom knows that. "Thanks, mom. And you know that I would never ever let my Mahomies down." I reply. Mom disappears again and I start packing my things. I make a mental list of things I have to pack: charger, pajama, pillows (you never know when Alex starts a big pillow fight), laptop.

When I step in front of my door I think I'm getting deaf. Mahomies, I think smiling. I seriously love them. Always there for me. I take some pictures with them until I reach my car and drive the 5 minutes to Alex.

I rise my hand to knock. And a quote from Frozen comes to my mind. "Just knock!" Olaf says. After a while he turns to Kristoff and asks "Doesn't she know how to knock?" These lines are my favorites. And because I love Frozen I decide to act as I if was schizophrenic and played Olaf. After that I knock on the door and shout "Knock knock"
"Who's there?" Alex asks trying to be serious but I can hear that he has a huge smile on his face.
"Austin" I answer and make it short because I want to go in. Alex seems to know what I thought because the door swung open immediately and he stands there with his cute smile. Every time he has this smile on his face I can't but hug him.

"I'm home alone. So we can do everything we want to do" he says with a deep and trying to be sexy voice. I have to laugher.
"Oh, let's take the chance and make a pizza party!" I shout throwing my hands in the air. I'm surprised, that Alex orders my favorite pizza. Cheese pizza. I shouldn't be surprised because we're already best friends for years. But I still appreciate the way he knows me.
"Stop staring at me like this" Alex says holding a hand over his phone to make sure the pizza delivery service can't hear it. That's a thing he copied from me. Hand over the phone while talking to someone different. I wasn't aware, that I stared at him. So I look away. But I keep thinking about our friendship. He knows me as well as I know him. And he knows me better than any of my most obsessed Mahomies. We barely argue or fight. We mostly have the same opinion on something. That's one of the billion reasons why I love being around him.

After he ordered our pizzas we sit down on the couch and wait.
"We could work a bit on my album until the pizza arrives." I say.
"Yeah, sure we can" he answers with a smile.
So I take out my laptop and open the album file. I click on our newest song "Love You Forever" and open the file. I think it's one of my best songs ever. Right behind "shadow". And I know, that Alex loves it, too.
"Let's start. You say the first line because, you know, I'm bad at thinking of the first line." I tell him.
"Yeah, I know" he responds laughing "okay, let me think" and after a little while staring at me, he says " forever. Forever is such a big word."
"But not as big as my love for you" I add, studying his face. Alex keeps gazing at me and goes on with the next line.
"I will love you forever and ever"
"No matter what happens in the world." I sing smiling.
"No matter what happens between us" he whispers. We both don't look away. We keep staring in the other's eyes.
"Forever will I love you. Forever" I whisper now, too. He rises his right hand toward my face but in the moment he'd touch it, the door bell rings and we jump back. Alex gives me an awkward smile and I smile back in the same way. Then runs Alex to the door and comes back with two boxes of pizza.

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