a working girl

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         Ever since I was a young girl, I had big ambitions for my future. It was a dream of mine to live in the big city. So I worked as a waitress at seventeen and saved as much money as possible to be able to move to New York. At twenty one, I moved to the city with my best friend, Kirstie. We moved into a studio apartment. I've been working two jobs ever since I got the new apartment a year ago.

       I never thought I'd be working as a waitress as long as I have. However, it pays the bills. That as well as shifts at the local bookstore. I love working at the bookstore. My love for books makes it feel less like work.

      Working at the diner on east 32nd street is difficult. The customers can be extremely rude. It's New York, what else should I expect. My boss is what makes me dread going to work. He's very inappropriate around me. When he doesn't get his way he becomes very irritable. I try to steer clear of him as much as I can. Although, some days it's nearly impossible to avoid him.

      It's becoming busy in the restaurant. I'm taking so many orders and serving so many tables. I am running around the diner like a mad woman. The tips I'm currently accumulating are my motivation.

      "Julianna the order for table six is ready!" I make my way to the food that's ready and head over to table six. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything else." I smile politely to the elderly couple. They nod and in return I head over to the back room. I take a deep breath from the rush that's beginning to die down.

     My coworker Stacey nears me. "Hey Jules. There's a guy that's just been seated at table four." I nod my head and smile for the heads up. As I near closer to my section, a familiar man comes into view. I roll my eyes as I brace myself for the upcoming annoyance.

     The smirk on his face is apparent. I take my pen and notepad out from my apron. I sigh. "Will it be your usual?" I glance to see him amused. He taps his fingers against the table. "If you mean the special with a side of you, then yes I would like my usual please." I shake my head. I should of seen that coming. He chuckles. "I'm sorry I don't believe I'm on the menu." He holds his hand over his heart mocking hurt.

    "Just the special today then." I nod my head, about to place his order in when he grabs my arm. I roll my eyes. What could he possibly want now? I turn to face him, an expectant look on my face. "You look quite marvelous today Julie. I thought you should know." His eyes never leave mine as he surprises me with his words. I blush. "You'd look even better underneath me." Of course. I yank my hand away from his hold.

    "What is wrong with you? You're the epitome of douche." He smiles. The dimples making him seem younger. "I don't think anyone has said that to me before. Is that any way to speak to a customer?" I scoff before walking away.

    Over the year and a half of living in the apartment, he has struck nearly all of my nerves. I haven't even learned the prick's name. Not that I'd like to know his name. I know him as douche. Sometimes I get creative and call him douchepants.

     "Julianna!" I flinch from the familiar voice. My hands begin to tremble. I dread any interaction from my boss. I take a deep breath before making my way to his office. The door is open wide. I gulp before entering. "Yes Jason?" He looks me up and down. I feel nauseous. He chuckles. "Don't look so afraid. I just wanted to inform you that I need you to stay late tonight."

    My heart sinks. I know he doesn't truly need me to stay late. I know his true intentions. "But. But I can't. I have my shift at the bookstore tonight." He rolls his eyes. "If you want this job, you'll do overtime." I almost break down in tears. He's constantly dangling my job over me. This was beyond unfair. I nod my head and leave his office in a swift motion.

     My entire body starts to tremble. "Jeez Jules, you're shaking. Go on your break sweetie." The shift manager, Angie requests. I nod my head and go straight for the back of the diner. I exit the restaurant and lean my back against the wall. I need to attempt to calm my nerves. I close my eyes and bask in the sun. "You okay there Julie?" I roll my eyes knowing only one person that calls me that.

    I open my eyes to find green ones staring intently at me. I shrug my shoulders, seeming indifferent. "Why do you care?" He smirks his infamous smirk. I feel a headache coming on. "I'm just curious. I could help you become more relaxed." I give him a death glare. "Honestly douche. Right now I would appreciate being left alone." He seems hurt by my words but I know better. He doesn't feel any other emotion besides lust.

    He scratches the back of his neck. "Okay. I'm sorry. My name is Harry by the way." I look at the ground and pick at my apron. "Interesting. I think douche suits you better." I hear him chuckle. I look up to find his back facing me as he walks away. I smile knowing he can't see me. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought. Yeah right.

      The diner is officially closed. I'm wiping down the tables. I hum a tune that's been stuck in my head all day. I bop my head to the beat in my head. It's been a long day and I couldn't wait to finally be in my bed. All of a sudden I feel a pair of hands on my hips. I freeze. This can't be happening to me. I feel his breath near my left ear. "You little tease." I choke back a sob. "Please just leave me alone." He spins me around to face him. He has lust filled eyes. I back myself into the table. He smirks as if he likes seeing me so afraid. He's sick and twisted.

    He trails his hand slowly up my thigh. I cringe and tighten my thighs together. "You'll comply if you want this job Julianna." I feel sick. I hate the way my name rolls off of his tongue. I close my eyes and scream internally. How did my life turn into this. All I want is to work in a safe environment. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently.

    "Stop." I weakly beg. He shakes his head. He leans his head on my neck. He begins to peck down my jaw. Tears roll down my face. I'm full on sobbing now. I don't want this to be my life anymore. I don't want to be afraid of my job. I refuse to let someone use me as his toy. No more.

    I roughly shove him away from me. "I said stop!" He seems shocked. He gives me a stern look before making his way to me again. "You'll regret this Julianna. I'll fire you." I darkly chuckle. I knee him in the balls. He drops to the floor with a groan. "I guess I'm fired."

   I walk out of the diner not fully realizing what just happened.

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